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Got blood poisoning from animal bite, have to immobilize r arm two days.Please post news items. Would like to read some too so I don't have to surf.
-- Anonymous, June 08, 2001
I smell a story.Can't be animal bites git.
How about... git bites animal?
Let me know. I want credit for the scoop.
-- Anonymous, June 08, 2001
could be git bites animal control officer in ninja outfit and doc bitch in I am in caring profession white coat who turned her in. Was also threatened with arrest and jail. had to call in big gun--county commissioner--to save all cats from AC and self from warrants and prosecution, which were in pipeline. Fascist bastards. long story, sorry. have to wait. Very stressful day.Advice: this election season, volunteer to put up signs, stuff envelopes, deliver pamphlets, anything. never know when u need a favor. damn hard to type w/l hand.
-- Anonymous, June 08, 2001
sending healing prayers to you , Have been all day!
-- Anonymous, June 09, 2001
try typing left handed for a year, then we can talk.Git better soon, so you can work on those thank you notes. and maybe them others to the fascists.
-- Anonymous, June 09, 2001
Oh my! Git, try to rest.
-- Anonymous, June 09, 2001
Thanks, SAR, healing may be working, little rivers of red receding back into main reservoir! Have now tripled diabetes meds and blood sugar is in more comfortable range, but still need to get it down about another 25-30 points. (Shot up to almost double normal yesterday, part due to infection but believe larger part due to extreme stress, was basket case for a while.)Abject aplogies for editing the above posts--just in case something comes of this, don't want to leave anything open to misinterpretation.
-- Anonymous, June 09, 2001
How about, Git Gets Bit !
-- Anonymous, June 09, 2001
I think Git Gets Even is a lot better :):):):)
-- Anonymous, June 09, 2001
So, did the animal live?
-- Anonymous, June 09, 2001
I'm not absolutely clear about what happened, but my best to you, OG! Don't be in a hurry to work that arm -- let it heal fully before rehab.
-- Anonymous, June 10, 2001
Did the animal live? The one that bit me? Yes. I expect to hear from Animal Control tomorrow; they will want to come and inspect the cage in which one of my cats will be installed. They will probably also bring me papers to sign for home quarantining, by permission of the Director of the County Health Department. I hope by then I shall have a letter from my doctor telling them my blood sugar is out of control because of the stress (which it is--ranged from 74 to 230 today, go figure), and they are damaging my health by their Gestapo tactics.I am still indescribably furious that a large, muscular, intimidating man in a black SWAT outfit was allowed into my exam room, where I had just pulled up my pants and put on my shirt after the shots, to accuse me of criminal acts and threaten me with arrest and jail and "I can go in your house and take all your cats." This person was between me and the door and I would have had to push past him to leave the room. I was too terrified, I just kept focusing on his black combat boots and hoping he would leave.
I hope that after I have seen my doctor, the AC officer and the other doctor will be reprimanded in some fashion. The doctor did NOT tell me she had called AC or that they were on the way over. The first I knew was when the guy walked through the door and sat down on the doctor's stool.
I know my rights under criminal law but this is state public health law and I have no idea what my rights are. To be honest, I feel a bit ooky and not really capable of researching it at the moment. But I WILL find out and I'll let other people know. I'll see if I can write an article for my paper so people don't get trapped and harassed like I did.
-- Anonymous, June 10, 2001
-- Anonymous, June 10, 2001
I thought Sweetie was doing the typing?
-- Anonymous, June 11, 2001
When you calm down enough, if you could, take a deep breathe and explain all this in words us besotted types can follow...
-- Anonymous, June 11, 2001
Sorry, Carl. I suffered an animal bite. It might have been a cat bite so I called Animal Control to find out about home quarantining a cat. Any possible rabies vector has to be quarantined for ten days in most states, if not all. AC told me I couldn't home quarantine a cat, they would have to do it. One, we can't afford it, with Jim laid off, more important, that is an animal CONTROL facility,not a humane society--God knows what treatment a cat would get, not to mention the diseases it might pick up even though it has all his shots. AC put me on hold, so I hung up, convinced at this point it was a squirrel that bit me. Squirrels are not rabies vectors.I went to the urgent care place with my squirrel bite. The doctor apparently thought otherwise and quietly called AC on one of the frequent trips out of the exam room all doctors make. (They are only required to report a bite within 24 hours, not immediately. I've been on their computer system for nearly ten years so they know where to reach me, as does AC from the license fees I pay every year.) After I had the tetanus and antibiotic shot, the doctor said that the antibiotic was a penicillin derivative and any adverse reactions usually happen in 20 minutes, "so if you'll just sit quietly for a while, then I'll swab the arm and get you some tablets." Next thing I know, SWAT Man walks in. Yep, I fell for the 20 minutes thing.
Was the doctor aware I had diabetes? Absolutely. In fact, she told me to check my sugar as soon as I got home and keep a close eye on it. I had no idea stress could have such a terrible effect on a diabetic's blood sugar, although I knew it had some. The infection is almost gone today but the sugar is still doing a roller-coaster number. At 6 a.m., 100; at 7 a.m., 141.
Thank God for Y2K--I have kept a 12-month stash of diabetes medicine ever since then. Now that my intake has increased from 1 tab/day to 4 or 5, I feel extremely comforted to have this pile of tablets. And I got them for $10 a scrip on the insurance--which we no longer have. (The doc never changed my initial 3 tabs a day scrip so it was easy to build up a supply.) Talk about better to have and not need. . .
The county commissioner who is helping me told me immediately that I COULD home quarantine or that my vet could do it. AC LIED about that, I guess they need the money.
Meantime, another pack of wild dogs has killed three more cats in the city and AC seems unable to do anything about it.
I'm still a bit fuzzy so if this doesn't make sense, sorry. I mean, I'm even fuzzier than usual.
Helen, dear, I'm not using my hand that much, really. Only for short periods. The Hungarian's advice to elevate it has helped a great deal. The swelling is almost gone but there's a good deal of bruising from where it was.
I have to go vacuum now--with my left hand, of course, in case AC decides to pay a surprise visit to do whatever. They come under the Health Dept so God knows I don't want a citation for cracker crumbs on the floor.
-- Anonymous, June 11, 2001
No wonder you were sounding a little "rabid".... next time the AC Nazi comes over, pop a seltzer in your mouth before answering the door, then act like you're gonna give him a good bite....
-- Anonymous, June 11, 2001
You know, guys, I think we missed our chance to rabblerouse hereabouts whilst Mother was delirious with rodent fever. Now we'll have to wait for her next binge. What a waste!
-- Anonymous, June 11, 2001
LOL, Carl! My brother and I used to do that with "Fizzie's", trying to scare our mom!Never worked.
-- Anonymous, June 11, 2001
Who says I need seltzer or fizzies to foam at the mouth???Hey--if y'all would like to do something really nice instead of smart-mouthing Mother, it would be great if you'd send a small donation to the Durham County Animal Protection Society c/o the lady below at 4425 Kerley Road, Durham, NC 27705, with a note that it's on behalf of HB and her squirrel bite! C'mon, ten bucks ain't gonna kill ya! APS does at least have a spay and neuter fund. Becky also told me, "Don't mess with my children or my animals--my husband, well, he can take care of himself. But don't mess with my children or my animals."
Becky Heron, Co. Commissioner, APS director, and fellow old git
-- Anonymous, June 11, 2001
YESSSSSSSSSS!!!!!! Animal Control just called. Conversation, with very subdued-sounding woman, went like this:Ms. Brookes, this is Animal Control
Yes? (Wary as hell!)
I'm just calling to let you know you've been approved for home quarantine.
Okay. Can I let him out of this cage now or is--
No, within the house is fine. Just don't let him outside and don't let anyone come in contact with him.
And if you have company, don't let them--
Oh, nobody is coming in this house until the quarantinr period is over. Now, do you need to come out and inspect the facilities or anything?
No, that's it.
Okay, thank you.All due to the old git above!
-- Anonymous, June 11, 2001
Oh...THAAAAT County Commissioner...Reminds me...the shelter my mom was involved in, a truly wonderful place outside Keene, NH, used to run an occasional jail-o-thon fundraiser. Dignitaries from Keene (including the mayor) would submit to being locked up. You could pay for their release. Depending on how this evolves, maybe we could play that game with you??
-- Anonymous, June 11, 2001
Oh, all right. I'll send a money order for a few bucks. Just don't bite any JBTs. Not only are they nasty smelling, but you'd probably catch something fatal from coming in contact with their blood.
-- Anonymous, June 11, 2001
But Meemur. . .you're taking all the fun out of it for her!
-- Anonymous, June 11, 2001
Nayh. She'll get a ton of story-milage if I actually send a money- order from "Meemur" for HB's Sq bite. In fact, I'm going to go do that right now. And I'll add HB's name to my list of potential dinner guests, should I ever do a Hannible Lector number on a JBT. (:
-- Anonymous, June 11, 2001
Oh what a peach that Meemur is, despite what I hear about the way she misspent her youth!What the hell is a JBT? (I know I'm going to feel really stupid when you tell me.)
Me'n Sweetie are popular dinner guests and often referred to as "hoots." Before we had to go teetotal, Sweetie would get squiffy after a couple of drinks and I would pick him up and carry him out to the taxi! LOL! But that was when I was MUCH younger. We still seem to be amusing to people, though. I wonder why?
Why should I wonder why? As thanks for the free boarding and moral support, I just gave the vet my khaki pith helmet because he admired it last week. It occurs to me--how many old gits actually wear pith helmets when they're out and about? I'm glad he didn't see and admire my gen-you-wine Vietnamese peasant hat cos I really like that one. Hell, the Hungarian has a Chinese miner's hat made from bamboo. I guess she's a hoot too.
I do enjoy being an eccentric old git. Screw the neighbors.
-- Anonymous, June 11, 2001
JBT = Jack Booted ThugRe misspent youth: by the time I was fourteen, I had cleaned up my act. No more pranks. Well, maybe I did tp a rival's house . . . but that was over 25 years ago, and my memory is a bit dim
-- Anonymous, June 11, 2001
Residents In Durham Neighborhood On Alert After Pet MaulingsAnimal Control Officers Say Dogs Are Hard To Track Down [yes, because those officers are too busy terrorizing fat old cat-ladies]
DURHAM, 11:03 p.m. EDT June 11, 2001 -- Stray dogs have people in Durham worried tonight. The packs of dogs have been on the prowl and are hunting down neighborhood pets.
Last week, Annie Jarabek's 12-year-old cat, Buckeye, slipped out the door only to be mauled by a pack of stray dogs. The next morning, neighbor Jennifer Chapman found the lifeless cat in her front yard.
"I've got a cat, too. It's scary," Chapman said.
Animal control officers say they have been swamped with frantic calls and received more than 100 requests to set traps in the neighborhood, but the animals are tough to track down.
"After we catch one or two dogs, we're finished. They know the trick. They're not so dumb," said animal control officer Gilles Meloche.
Buckeye was one of two cats killed in the Watts-Hillandale area. Neighbors are understandably upset.
"I mean you know cats and dogs don't agree, but if they are killing cats, what's next?" Jarabek said.
The dogs are not really concentrated in one particular area. Animal control officers say the dogs probably use the city's trails and greenways systems to roam from neighborhood to neighborhood.
Authorities say that if you see a pack of stray dogs, do not approach them. You should call animal control or call 911.
-- Anonymous, June 11, 2001
I've been in touch with Julia Lewis, who did the above report, and given her the password and URL to this thread. I'd like her to have the background info on AC's actions. Kindly do not post any of your racy stories or broad double entendres on this thread. I've known Julia for a while, she's a cat person from way back, and she's a Very Nice Lady like me, not a disgusting reprobate like the rest of you.
-- Anonymous, June 12, 2001
Reprobates, heh? Hey guy's, think we should be helpful and give a few links to some of Ma Git's gems?
-- Anonymous, June 12, 2001
I can think of a few pictures I think she would pay money to not have posted.....
-- Anonymous, June 13, 2001
Hey, if I can beat a JBT, think what I could do to youse guys. HA!
-- Anonymous, June 13, 2001
Hi, Julia!Cats rule, dogs drool. (Git, is this what you had in mind?)
-- Anonymous, June 13, 2001
Does Julia know she's fallen in with a strange crowd? I mean, of course she knows Git, but is it possible Git behaves "normally" in real life? Is Julia prepared for this group? >:)
-- Anonymous, June 13, 2001
Old Git,I have been away for a few days taking care of a few matters, and I just read this thread. {{{{{Hugs}}}}} to you and your cats. A pack of dogs is a bad thing.
Here is hoping that you are close to 100%, and that the sugar quickly comes under control.
Does the dog pack attack Sheeples?
Again, HUGS!
-- Anonymous, June 13, 2001
Helen, I do try to behave relatively normally in real life. Up to a point, that is. I mean, I do have this fetching beige toilet on the front yard, a pot of begonias in the bowl, but I don't think that's going over the top. My pink flamingos are 15 years old, faded and battered, so they peek out of the juniperus chinensis, and are referred to as "bush-roosting flamingos." We left the white plastic deer ("Fred") in the backyard, where he startles me sometimes if I'm preoccupied.Sheeps, thanks for asking. Doing okay at the moment, still on the increased diabetes medicine but I hope to taper off again in a week or two. There have been no more reports of wild dog packs. I think what may have been happening is that people know Animal Control comes out only for emergencies at night, so they let their dogs out to roam after dark. Non-strays will pack together, as multiple-dog owners know. Soon as the fuss dies down, I suspect it will start all over again.
-- Anonymous, June 14, 2001
Hi Julia, we love animals here. Especially Carl.
-- Anonymous, June 14, 2001
-- Anonymous, June 15, 2001
Aw, we wuv you too, Barefoot. I was just remarking on Carl's very special friendship with his four-legged pal.
-- Anonymous, June 15, 2001
Hey Julia, wanna see what I can do with Firemouse's leg?
-- Anonymous, June 15, 2001
Thinks: "Give them enough rope. . ."
-- Anonymous, June 15, 2001
Rope.. is that another British thing, like spanking?
-- Anonymous, June 16, 2001
Thinks: "Just another yard or two.. ."
-- Anonymous, June 16, 2001
Muvver Git, you don't know what the meaning of "yard" was in the 14th through 19th centuries? Check your OED, further down in the meanings.But yes, what you are thinking is a thought that I've entertained myself on occasion. ;)
-- Anonymous, June 16, 2001
LOL Firemouse!
-- Anonymous, June 16, 2001
yard \Yard\, n. [OE. yerd, AS. gierd, gyrd, a rod, stick, a measure, a yard; akin to OFries. ierde, OS. gerda, D. garde, G. gerte, OHG. gartia, gerta, gart, Icel. gaddr a goad, sting, Goth. gazds, and probably to L. hasta a spear. Cf. Gad, n., Gird, n., Gride, v. i., Hastate.] 1. A rod; a stick; a staff. [Obs.] --P. Plowman.If men smote it with a yerde. --Chaucer.
2. A branch; a twig. [Obs.]
The bitter frosts with the sleet and rain Destroyed hath the green in every yerd. --Chaucer.
3. A long piece of timber, as a rafter, etc. [Obs.]
4. A measure of length, equaling three feet, or thirty-six inches, being the standard of English and American measure.
5. The penis.
6. (Naut.) A long piece of timber, nearly cylindrical, tapering toward the ends, and designed to support and extend a square sail. A yard is usually hung by the center to the mast. See Illust. of Ship.
Golden Yard, or Yard and Ell (Astron.), a popular name of the three stars in the belt of Orion.
Under yard [i. e., under the rod], under contract. [Obs.] --Chaucer.
How it became a term to mean 36" is curious...
-- Anonymous, June 16, 2001
It does seem short, huh?
-- Anonymous, June 16, 2001
So is the sun over the yardarm yet?
-- Anonymous, June 16, 2001
So how about an update? How's your arm? Did the other OG receive my money order? Is she weirded out? (heheheheheheheheh) How are the animals? Did the JBT have an accident yet?
-- Anonymous, June 16, 2001
Both my doctor and The RN Hungarian say my arm has healed incredibly fast, thanks. I put it down to the goldenseal/echinacea capsules I've been popping three times a day. And I'm smearing vitamin E oil (from a capsule) on the two scars to minimize them.Becky Heron has been in county budget meetings all week and I don't think I'll bother her for a while. . .!
My cats are sporting soft-knit white elastic collars with their names, phone numbers and tag numbers on them. At first they had rabies tags attached but two of the young 'uns got weirded out by the jingling and went to ground for two days. (They're pretty psychotic.)
I have a strong feeling that the JBT has been, at the least, reprimanded for his conduct. I may be able to find out later.
Saw my own doctor on Thursday--he was appalled by what happened and assured me it would NOT happen in his office. (He's a cat person.) He was glad to know the law so that he might not only use it to his own advantage if the situation arose, but could also counsel any other patients with a similar problem.
Glucose and med levels aren't down where I'd prefer, but the doc warned me it would take a few weeks and not to worry.
-- Anonymous, June 16, 2001
Thanks for the update. Sounds like things are settling back to just plain weirdness instead of Unexpected High Weirdness & Horror. Know what you mean about the tags. My little kitty is getting mircochipped later next week. I'm tired of debating the evil uses of microchipping: if it'll keep her from destroying her neck in the process of pawing off a tag, it's worth it.If they try to chip me, however, I'll "microchip" them with a piece of lead.
-- Anonymous, June 16, 2001
Well, you know how it is around here. Durham County decrees that all cats and dogs must wear their tags or it's a $25 fine and you have to produce the animal wearing its tag within a short period of time. I don't know what subsequent fines are. A microchip ain't a tag and so they won't recognize it. Duh! I might suggest a change in the local ordinance, though, since state law gives the counties a choice on cats wearing rabies tags.Speaking of weirdness, I went to a dog's birthday party today. There were about 9 or 10 dogs attending, ranging in size from a Scottish wolfhound and a doberman to a toy poodle. They were very well-behaved and quite sociable. There were two birthday cakes, one flown in from a doggie food place in Houston. And the dogs got some sort of frosty liver thingie for dessert. People food was good too.
-- Anonymous, June 16, 2001
I must not have trendy friends. I don't know anyone who has ever had a dog birthday party or a dog wedding. On my cat's birthday, she gets a can of kitty salmon. Maybe next time, I ought to invite the neighbors in?
-- Anonymous, June 16, 2001
Well, hey, the dog was 15 today. Everybody in the neighborhood knows her from the frequent walks she takes with her owners, who're pretty nice--if a tad too left. Apart from the near neighbors, the other guests were mostly yuppies, one of which has just finished a book on cats (Old Bitch thinks: how innovative!) and is about to start one on dogs (oh my, now we're getting really creative!). Well, she was a self-important type, ya know?Unfortunately, the happy event was held outdoors and I don't do outdoors much, unless it's 70 or below, so I didn't stay long. Sweetie wasn't about to go; he foams at the mouth when he gets near lefties.
-- Anonymous, June 16, 2001
Um, better not tell Sweetie you are hanging out with me, at least not without having a towel handy.
-- Anonymous, June 17, 2001
I should say "lefties with no sense of humor." His best buddy in the Navy was a guy who applied to both the Navy for pilot training and Ringling Bros. clown school. Ringling Bros.--his first choice--rejected him, so we got another sky warrior. Oh the trouble those two used to get into--and you wonder why Sweetie's call sign was Animal. The rejected clown's was Ranger Rick. He now drives for Delta.BTW, Sweetie offered to put up campaign signs and knee-cap any of Becky Heron's opponents--BEFORE he found out she's a Democrat, lol! Sweetie's an Independent, I'm a Pragmatist.
-- Anonymous, June 17, 2001