Trilateral Commission~New world order? : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
Trilateral Commission (TC)
In 1973, David Rockefeller asked Zbigniew Brzezinski to put together an organization of the top political, and business leaders from around the World. He called this group the Trilateral Commission (TC).
According to an information sheet supplied to me by the TC, dated March 23, 1994:
"The European Community, North America (US and Canada), and Japan - the three main democratic industrialized areas of the world - are the three sides of the Trilateral Commission. The Commissions members are about 325 distinguished citizens, with a variety of leadership responsibilities, from these three regions. When the first triennium of the Trilateral Commission was launched in 1973, the most immediate purpose was to draw together - at a time of considerable friction among governments - the highest level unofficial group possible to look together at the common problems facing our three areas. At a deeper level, there was a sense that the United States was no longer in such a singular leadership position as it had been in earlier post-World War II years, and that a more shared form of leadership - including Europe, and Japan in particular - would be needed for the international system to navigate successfully the major challenges of the coming years. These purposes continue to inform the Commissions work.The rise of Japan, and progress of the European Community over the past twenty years - particularly in the world economy - have validated the vision of the Commissions founders. At the same time, the end of the Cold War calls for a fresh vision of what this outward-looking partnership can accomplish in the coming years. The opportunities are remarkable, and yet, with the welcome end of the old Soviet threat, part of the glue holding our regions together has dissolved. Helping meet that leadership challenge is at the heart of the Trilateral Commission effort.
The full Commission gathers once each year - in Lisbon in 1992, in Washington in 1993, in Tokyo in 1994." (In Copenhagen, Denmark in 1995.)
The above are their words. Below are words of those who see this group in a different light.
The New World Order, by Pat Robertson, Copyright 1991, Word, Inc., Dallas, Texas. All rights reserved, Page 102, states:
"In 1970 a young Polish intellectual named Zbigniew Brzezinski foresaw the rising economic power of Japan, and postwar Europe. Brzezinski idealized the theories of Karl Marx. In his book, Between Two Ages, as in subsequent writings, he argued that balance-of-power politics was out, and world-order politics was in. The initial world order was to be a trilateral economic linkage between Japan, Europe, and the United States. David Rockefeller funded Brzezinski, and called together an organization, named the Trilateral Commission, with Brzezinski as its first executive secretary, and director.
The stated goals of the Trilateral Commission are: "Close Trilateral cooperation in keeping the peace, in managing the world economy, in fostering economic redevelopment, and alleviating world poverty will improve the chances of a smooth, and peaceful evolution of the global system." (Emphasis added.)
The Shadows of Power, by James Perloff, Copyright 1988, pages 154-156, states:
"How did the TC begin? The Trilateral Commission, wrote Christopher Lydon in the July 1977 Atlantic, was David Rockefellers brainchild. George Franklin, North American secretary of the Trilateral Commission, stated that it was entirely David Rockefellers idea originally. Helping the CFR chairman develop the concept was Zbigniew Brzezinski, who laid the first stone in Foreign Affairs in 1970:
A new, and bolder approach is needed - creation of a community of the developed nations which can effectively address itself to the larger concerns confronting mankind. In addition to the United States, and Western Europe, Japan ought to be included ... A council representing the United States, Western Europe, and Japan, with regular meetings of the heads of governments as well as some small standing machinery, would be a good start.
That same year, Brzezinski elaborated these thoughts in his book Between Two Ages. It shows Brzezinski to be a classic CFR man - a globalist more than lenient toward Communism. He declared that National sovereignty is no longer a viable concept, and that Marxism represents a further vital, and creative stage in the maturing of mans universal vision. Marxism is simultaneously a victory of the external, active man over the inner, passive man, and a victory of reason over belief...
The Trilateral Commission was formally established in 1973, and consisted of leaders in business, banking, government, and mass media from North America, Western Europe, and Japan. David Rockefeller was founding chairman, and Brzezinski founding director of the North American branch, most of whose members were also in the CFR.
In the Wall Street Journal, David Rockefeller explained that the Trilateral Commission is, in reality, a group of concerned citizens interested in fostering greater understanding, and cooperation among international allies.
But, it was not all so innocent according to Jeremiah Novak, who wrote in the Atlantic (July 1977):
The Trilateralists emphasis on international economics is not entirely disinterested, for the oil crisis forced many developing nations, with doubtful repayment abilities, to borrow excessively. All told, private multinational banks, particularly Rockefellers Chase Manhattan, have loaned nearly $52 billion to developing countries. An overhauled IMF would provide another source of credit for these nations, and would take the big private banks off the hook. This proposal is the cornerstone of the Trilateral plan.
Senator Barry Goldwater put it less mercifully. In his book With No Apologies, he termed the Commission David Rockefellers newest international cabal, and said, It is intended to be the vehicle for multinational consolidation of the commercial, and banking interests by seizing control of the political government of the United States.Zbigniew Brzezinski showed how serious TC ambitions were in the July 1973 Foreign Affairs, stating that without closer American-European-Japanese cooperation the major problems of today cannot be effectively tackled, and ... the active promotion of such trilateral cooperation must now become the central priority of US policy. (Emphasis in the ordinal.)
The best way to effect this would be for a Trilateralist to soon become President. One did." (Jimmy Carter.)
... In 1973, Carter dined with the CFR chairman (David Rockefeller) at the latters Tarrytown, New York estate. Present was Zbigniew Brzezinski, who was helping Rockefeller screen prospects for the Trilateral Commission. Brzezinski later told Peter Pringle of the London Sunday Times that we were impressed that Carter had opened up trade offices for the state of Georgia in Brussels, and Tokyo. That seemed to fit perfectly into the concept of the Trilateral. Carter became a founding member of the (Trilateral) Commission - and his destiny became calculable.
Senator Barry Goldwater wrote:
David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski found Jimmy Carter to be their ideal candidate. They helped him win the nomination, and the presidency. To accomplish this purpose, they mobilized the money power of the Wall Street bankers, the intellectual influence of the academic community - which is subservient to the wealth of the great tax-free foundations - and the media controllers represented in the membership of the CFR, and the Trilateral.
Seven months before the Democratic nominating convention, the Gallup Poll found less than four percent of Democrats favoring Jimmy Carter for President. But, almost overnight - like Willkie, and Eisenhower before him - he became the candidate."
This is probably one of the very best illustrations of the great power of the Elite. They can make or break any president or candidate for president. They made Jimmy Carter in his efforts to become president, and broke Senator Barry Goldwater in his failed attempt.
The TC membership is made up of present, and past Presidents, Ambassadors, Secretaries of State, Wall Street investors, international bankers, foundation executives, Think Tank executives, lobbyist lawyers, NATO, and Pentagon military leaders, wealthy industrialist, media owners, and executives, university presidents, and key professors, select Senators, and Congressmen, and wealthy entrepreneurs.
They hold annual secret meetings including only members, and very select guests.
"The Trilateral Commission doesn't run the world,the Council on Foreign Relations does that!"
by Winston Lord, Assistant Secretary of State, the U. S. State Department.
The Trilateral Commission's US headquarters is located at:345 East 46th Street, Suite 711,New York, NY 10017.
Level of Involvement by Elite Members
Do I think that everyone who belongs to one of these secret organizations is EVIL.
Absolutely NOT.
If you look at the Elite as though they were an archery target, then:
Center or Bulls Eye- Is made up of the Czar and the members of the Inner Circle. They are the decision makers and are therefore 100% informed and involved in the Global Union movement. David Rockefeller is the only "obvious" member of this group. We can speculate about the members of the Inner Circle, but we will probably never have these speculations confirmed.
Inner Ring - This group is made up of the Officers & Directors and triple members of all three Elite groups. They are probably 90% informed by the Czar and the members of the Inner Circle, and are heavily involved in the Global Union movement. (see the preceding listing and following charts for these members)
Center Ring- This group is made up of the leaders, implementers and double members of the three Elite Groups, and who are probably 80% informed by the Czar and the members of the Inner Circle, and are moderately involved in the Global Union movement.
Outer Ring- These members are included for camouflage purposes only, and are made up of many of those who belong to only the CFR. These members are aware of only about 50% or less of the goals and objectives of the Global Union movement. A large number of these people are members for ego and social reasons only, and would very likely resign immediately, when they find out what the Global Union is "really" up to. An example is Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., the Hollywood actor, who probably falls completely off the above target. He would be classified as true camouflage. Another example of another possible member of the Outer Ring is Ben J. Wattenberg. He would be in the Outer Ring if he told the absolute truth on C-SPAN, with Bryan Lamb, on August 29, 1995, when he stated "I plead guilty to being a member of the CFR, and I only pay my dues, but never, or rarely attends their meetings." If he was truthful, I would place him in the Outer Ring. On the other hand, the CFR's bylaws absolutely prohibit their members from discussing this Elite organization. For this reason, he could have just been complying with their bylaws, and in all reality, he may be a very active member, and really belongs in one of the inner rings.
-- Cherri (, June 08, 2001
MembersThis group is broken down into three areas: North American, European and Japanese Member.
This list is dated March 1998. The Commission is run by the following: Otto Graf Lambsdorff, European Chairman. Paul A. Volcker, North American Chairman and Yotaro Kobayaski, Japanese Chairman.
The Deputy Chairmen are: Carlos Ferrer, European, Allan Gotlieb, American and Shiguro Ogata, Japanese.
The founder and Honorary Chairman is David Rockefeller.
The Directors are Paul Revay, European, Charles Heck, North American and Tadashi Yamamoto, Japanese.
Here are the North American Members, complete with their organizations.
Paul A. Allaire, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Xerox Corporation.
Dwayne Andreas, Chairman of the Board, Archer Daniels Midland Co.
Michael Armacost, President, The Brookings Institution, former Amb. to Japan Euan Baird,
Chairman, Schlumberger Ltd. Riley P. Bechtel, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Bechtel Group, Inc.
C. Fred Bergsten, Director, Institute for International Economics; former US Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs
Susan Berresfor, President Ford Foundation
Conrad Black, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Hollinger, Inc.
Toronto Jacques Bougie, President and Chief Executive Officer, Alcan Aluminium Ltd. Montreal
Harold Brown, Counselor, Center for Strategic and International Studies, former Sec. of Defense
John H. Bryan, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Sara Lee Corp.
Zbigniew Brzeinski, Counselor, Center for Strategic and International Studies;
Robert Ozgood, Professor of American Foreign Affairs, Paul Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University, former US Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs.
John H. Chafee, Member of U.S. Senate
Richard Cheney, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, Halliburton Co., former US Sec. of Defense.
Marshall A. Cohen, Counsel, Cassels Brock & Blackwell, Barristers and Solicitors, Toronto
William Coleman, Jr., Senior Paretner, O'Melveny & Meyers, former US Sec. of Transportation
Richard N. Cooper, Maurits C. Boas Proffessor of International Ecomonics, Harvard University' former US Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs.
E. Gerald Corrigan, Partner and Managing Director, Goldman, Sachs & Co., former President Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
Andre Desmarais, President and Co-Chief Executive Officer, Power Corp of Canada, Montreal
John M. Deutch, Institute Professor of Chemistry, M.I.T., former Director U.S. C.I.A.
Peter C. Dobell, Founding Director, Parliamentary Centre, Ottawa
Jessica P. Einhorn, Managing Director for Finance and Resource Mobilization, World Bank
Roger Enrico, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, PepsiCo., Inc.
Jeffrey E. Epstein, President, J. Epstein & Co., Inc. President N.A.Property, Inc.
Robert Erburu, Former Chairman and Chief Exec. Officer, Times Mirror Co.
William T. Esrey, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Sprint Corp.
Dianne Feinstein, U.S. Senate
Martin S. Feldstein, President, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.,
George Baker Professor of Economics, Harvard University; former Chairman, President's Council of Economic Advisors.
Stanley Fischer, First Deputy Managing Director, International Monetary Fund.
George M.C. Fisher, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, Eastman Kodak Co.
Richard B. Fisher, Chairman, Morgan Stanley Dean Witter
L. Yves Fortier, Senior Partner, Ogilvy Renault, Barristers and Solicitors, Montreal; former Canadian Amb. and Permanent Representative to the United Nations.
Paolo Fresco, Vice Chairman of the Board and Executive Officer, the General Electric Co.
Stephen Friedman, Senior Chairman and Limited Partner, Goldman, Sachs & Co.
Richard N. Gardner, Of Counsel, Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP; former U.S. Amb. to Spain and Italy
Leslie H. Gelb, President, Council on Foreign Relations
John A. Goerges, Senior Managing Director, Winward Capital Partners, L.P. former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, International Paper
David R. Gergen, Editor-at-Large, U.S. News and World Report; former Special Advisor to the U.S. President and Sec. of State.
Louis V. Gerstner, Jr. Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, I.B.M.
Allan E. Gotlieb, Consultant, Stikeman Elliot; former Canadian Ambassadore to the U.S.
William C. Graham, Chairman, House of Commons Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Ottawa
William H. Gray III, President and Chief Executive Officer, United Negro College Fund, former U.S. House Rep.
Maurice R. Greenberg, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, American International Group, Inc.
Robert D. Hass, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Levi Strauss & Co.
Lee. H. Hamilton, Member of House of Representative.
Carla A. Hills, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Hills & Co., former U.S. Trade Rep.
Richard Holbrooke, Vice Chairman, Credit Suisse Forst Boston Corp. former U.S. Amb. to Germany, former US Assistant Secretary State for European and Canadian Affairs, former Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs.
James R. Houghton, Former Chairman of the Board, Corning Inc.
W. Thomas Johnson, President of CNN
Vernon E. Jordan, Senior partner, Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld
Donald R. Keough, Chairman of the Board, Allen & Co., Inc.
Henry A. Kissinger, Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc. former U.S. Sec. of State, former Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs.
Marie-Josee Kravis, Adjunct Senior Fellow, Council on foreign Relations, N.Y. former Executive Director, Hudson Institute of Canada.
Thomas G. Labrecque, President Chase Manhattan Bank.
Kenneth L. Lay, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Enron Corp.
Jim Leach, Member of U.S. House of Representatives.
Gerald Levin, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Time Warner Winston Lord, Former U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, former U.S. Amb. to China
Whitney MacMillan, Former Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, Gargill, Inc.
Jessica Tuchman Mathews, President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
Deryck C. Maughan, Co-Chairman and Co-Chief Executive Officer, Salomon Smith Barney Holdings Inc.
Jay Mazur, President Union of Needletrades, Industrial and Textile Employees (UNITE) , AFL-CIO, CLC
H. Harrison McCain, Chairman of the Board, McCain Foods Ltd., Toronto
Hugh L. McColl, Jr., Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, NationsBank Corp.
Robert S. McNamara, Former President, The World Bank; former U.S. Sec. of Defense.
Lucio A. Noto, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Mobile Corp. Joseph S. Nye, Jr., Dean, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University; former U.S. Assistant Sec. of defense for International Security Affairs.
Michel Oksenberg, Senior Fellow, Asia Pacific Research Center, Stanford University, former Staff member (China) U.S.National Security Council.
James A. Pattison, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, Jim Pattison Group, Vancouver
William Perry, Michael and Barbara Berberian Professor, Stanford Univ. former U.S. Sec. of Defense.
Michael E.J. Phelps, chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Westcoast Energy, Vancouver
Robert D. Putnam, Director of the saguaro Seminar; Stanfield Professor of International Peacem Jebbedyt School of Government, Harvard Univ.
Charles B. Rangel, Member of U.S. House of Representatives
Lee R. Raymond, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Exxon
Charles S. Robb, Member of U.S. Senate, former Governor of Virginia
David D. Rockefeller, Founder and Honorary Chairman Trilateral Commission.
John D. Rockefeller IV, Member of U.S. Senate; former Governor of West Virginia
William V. Roth, Jr., Member of U.S. Senate
Henry B. Schacht, Director and Senior Adviros, Lucent Technologies
Kurt L. Schmoke, Mayor of Baltimore
Raymond G.H. Seitz, vice Chairman Europe, Lehman Bros. former U.S. Amb. to United Kingdom
George P. Shultz, Honorary Fellow; Hoover Institution, Stanford Univ; former Sec. of State, Secretary of Treasury, Secretary of Labor, former Director, Office of Management and Budget.
C.J. Silas, Former Chairman of Board and Chief Executive Officer, Phillips Petroleum Co.
Ronald D. Southern, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, ATCO Ltd., Calgary; Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Canadian Utilities Ltd.
Wilson H. Taylor, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, CIGNA Corp.
Laura D'Andrea Tyson, Proffessor, Haas School of Business, University of California; former Chairman of the President's Council of Economic Advisors and Director of the National Economic Council
Paul A. Volcker, Former Chairman, Board of Governors, U.S. Federal Reserve System, former Chairman, Wolfensohn & Co, Inc.,
Frederick H. Schultz Professor Emeritus of International Economic Policy, Princeton Univ.
Glenn E. Watts, President Emeritus, Communications Workers of America
Henry Wendt, Former Chairman, SmithKline Beecham
L.R. Wilson, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, BCE Inc. Montreal
Robert N. Wilson, Vice Chairman, board of Directors, Johnson and Johnson
Robert C. Winters, Chairman Emeritus, The Prundential Insurance Co. of America
Paul D. Wolfowitz, Dean, Paul Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins Univ.former Undersecretary of Defense for Policy
Robert B. Zoellick, John M. Olin Professor, U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, former Executive Vice President, General-Counsel and Secretary, National Mortgage Assoc. former U.S. UnderSecretary of State for Economic Affairs.
Mortimer Zuckerman, Chairman and Editor-in-Chief, U.S. News and World Report; Chairman and Co-Founder, Boston Properties.Former Members in Government Service,
Bruce Babbitt, U.S. Secretary of the Interior
Stephen W. Bosworth, U.S. Ambassador to South Korea
Bill Clinton, President of United States
William S. Cohen, U.S. Secretary of Defense
Thomas Foley, U.S. Ambassador to Japan
Alan Greenspan, Chairman, Board of Governors, U.S. Federal Reserve System.
Roy MacLaren, Canadian High commissioner, London
Donna E. Shalala, U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services
Strobe Talbott, U.S. Deputy Secretary of State
-- Cherri (, June 08, 2001.
NWO, Trilaterals, Bilderbergers, Knights Templars, Illuminati, Unification Church, yadda, yadda. Who's got time, Cherri?Call me naiive, I think the world is much too complex to be effectively manipulated by a powerful, secret groups. Not that there aren't some who try.
-- Lars (, June 08, 2001.
Don't mess with us. We can make you disappear, ja.
-- (Dr_Kissinger@secret.HQ), June 08, 2001.
We don't agree on many things, but this may be the exception.These 'movers and shakers' are very powerful and very much a threat.
There is a old saying that is very wise & true. 'Follow the money'.
Be concerned. VERY concerned.
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, June 08, 2001.
The short list to help Ain't got a Brain.Compare to the MORE important CFR list next time you feel the need to support these crooks.
Richard Cheney, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, Halliburton Co., former US Sec. of Defense.
Kenneth L. Lay, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Enron Corp.
Alan Greenspan, Chairman, Board of Governors, U.S. Federal Reserve System
-- (bush@twofaced.scum), June 08, 2001.
gimme a list with real money-making wad assholes, born with a silver spoon in their mouths who like to steal from the American citizens to feed their power trip, like Hillary and Ted Kennedy.
-- (, June 08, 2001.
The short list to help Ain't got a Brain.Compare to the MORE important CFR list next time you feel the need to support these crooks.
Richard Cheney, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, Halliburton Co., former US Sec. of Defense.
Kenneth L. Lay, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Enron Corp.
Alan Greenspan, Chairman, Board of Governors, U.S. Federal Reserve System
-- (bush@twofaced.scum), June 08, 2001.
As opposed to these crooks below from Clinton's regime shit for brains?
Bill Clinton, President of United States Bruce Babbitt, U.S. Secretary of the Interior Donna E. Shalala, U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Strobe Talbott, U.S. Deputy Secretary of State
How about these gem clips from the article...‘David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski found Jimmy Carter to be their ideal candidate.
You are too stupid to understand when to shut your mouth. The Trilateral Commission is party neutral. The Trilateral Commission does not endorse either political party dumb fuck.
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, June 08, 2001.
Aint, I noticed that, the parties that seperate us don't exist in the triatteral.
-- Cherri (, June 08, 2001.
Ain't and Cherri--If you both think that everyone is being duped by the same one-worlder-WTO-NWO-TriLats-etc, then why are you both so partisan? And in different directions no less.
Sounds to me like you both believe in the same conspiracy.
-- Lars (, June 08, 2001.
Gee thanks for the heads-up Ain't got a brain! Ever wonder why some of us call you that? Your reply answered that one.Clinton TC? no really? hey he is also CFR. Geezh do get a clue bud.
ALL these turds blow! Now maybe you can answer why you think Dubya so hot? Clearly the 5 months of info we post for ya hasn't penetrated your pea for a brain. What will?
-- (bush@twofaced.scum), June 08, 2001.
Aint, I noticed that, the parties that seperate us don't exist in the triatteral.-- Cherri (, June 08, 2001.
The Trilateral is the real enemy in my mind. They have done a great job of keeping us at each others throats (Politicaly) while pulling all the real strings in the shadows.
If you believe in the Bible, the NWO/One World Govt. (no doubt orchestrated by the Trilateral Commission) is the final straw that brings down mankind.
To bad we as a people are to blind to see them for what they really are.
Nice to see we can agree on something.
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, June 08, 2001.
ALL these turds blow!Wrong again shit for brains. The Trilateral Commision 'blows'.
More wisdom...
Clearly the 5 months of info we post for ya hasn't penetrated your pea for a brain. What will?
-- (bush@twofaced.scum), June 08, 2001.
Using your logic, we had eight years of REAL scandals with Clinton. Whats YOUR excuse?
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, June 08, 2001.
Where am I defending Clinton every week like you defend Bush?I know this must be news for ya, but Bill ain't Prez no mo, remember?
-- (bush@twofaced.scum), June 08, 2001.
Where am I defending Clinton every week like you defend Bush?We had eight years of embarassing REAL scandals and you still loved your hero, Bill.
Back off asshole.
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, June 08, 2001.
God Damn It! Why did my name get left off the Trilateral Commission membership list? Who do I sue? I'm a member in good standing of the NWO! If the NWO thinks they can leave me out in the cold this easily, they've got another think coming.
-- E.H.Porter (, June 08, 2001.
You let the cat out of the bag! LOL!
-- jammy (jammin@with.jammy), June 08, 2001.
I like it when you get stupid, Porter. Keep it coming.
-- KoFE (your@town.USSA), June 09, 2001.
Remember, Latte, many of us on this board care about what happens to you. So when you engage in anonymous gay sex with some young guy you just picked up at the gym, the club, the Iwo Jima Memorial or one of your other favored cruising locations, be sure that you have SAFE anonymous gay sex.And you can come out of the closet any time you like. Your friends here won't judge you, Latte. Even if we don't swing the same way you do.
-- Already Done Happened (, June 09, 2001.
Kofe -- we've got to stop meeting like this. My parents won't understand
-- E.H.Porter (, June 09, 2001.