Ban on Doctors???? : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
Doctors & GunsNumber of physicians in the US: 700,000. Accidental deaths caused by physicians per year: 120,000. Accidental deaths per physician.... 0.171 (U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services)
Number of gun owners in the US: 80,000,000. Number of accidental gun deaths per year (all age groups) 1,500. Accidental deaths per gun owner: 0.0000188
Statistically, doctors are approximately 9,000 times more dangerous than gun owners.
”FACT: Not everyone has a gun, but everyone has at least one Doctor."
Please alert your friends to this alarming threat.
We must ban doctors before this gets out of hand.
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, June 08, 2001
You know you're just going to piss off the Stalinists here!!!
-- libs are idiots (, June 08, 2001.
Ban them? Hell, kill 'em, along with the lawyers. Doctors are no longer healers but glorified technicians and they're not even good at that!
-- TakeCareofYourselfOr (, June 08, 2001.
Ain't, that's actually pretty funny. Thanks for posting it.However, don't you think we could rein in the threat by simply requiring that all patients register their doctors with the Surgeon General, thereby paving the way for a massive government seizure of all doctors when their horrible threat to American well-being careens wildly out of control?
Just thinking out loud, you understand (tongue firmly in cheek).
-- Already Done Happened (, June 08, 2001.
Didn't they outlaw doctors in 1982?
-- I am pathetic (, June 08, 2001.
DR. are flunkies for drug companie's
-- al-d. (, June 08, 2001.
omigod....the end must be nigh. I actually agree with al-d!
-- 1 (, June 09, 2001.
If the anti-gun nuts are really concerned about safety rather than ease of control of society, why aren't they also calling for the ban of knives? The nut in Japan killed eight with a knife.
-- J (Y2J@home.comm), June 09, 2001.
Give a moron some statistics, and he comes up with moronic conclusions.
-- (repugs @ are. idiots), June 09, 2001.
Good idea J. Nice to see you becoming more liberal in your old age!
-- Jack Booted Thug (, June 09, 2001.
Think of how many people he would have killed if he had a gun!!
-- (, June 09, 2001.
anonymous coward,
Think of how many people he would NOT have killed if a teacher had a gun and shot him dead!!!
-- J (Y2J@home.comm), June 09, 2001.
Give a moron some statistics, and he comes up with moronic conclusions.-- (repugs @ are. idiots), June 09, 2001.
You continue to show just how stupid you are. Amazing!
This is not a Republican Vs. Democrat issue dum dum.
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, June 09, 2001.
Weren't there two armed security guards at Columbine? How come they didn't manage to stop the shooters?Oh yeah. A gun in and of itself won't do anyone any good at all.
-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, June 09, 2001.
You don't sound like the real Tarzan to me.
Nonetheless, I believe that there were zero armed security guards at the school, not two. There was one armed sheriff's deputy, who refused to actively engage the shooters in an attempt to save lives. He did briefly return fire before retreating.
Ironically, you are partly correct. As you said, "A gun in and of itself won't do anyone any good at all". One must also possess the courage to use it.
-- J (Y2J@home.comm), June 09, 2001.
"Give a moron some statistics, and he comes up with moronic conclusions.-- (repugs @ are. idiots), June 09, 2001.
You continue to show just how stupid you are. Amazing!
This is not a Republican Vs. Democrat issue dum dum.
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, June 09, 2001.
Of course it is dumbass. Only a Republican moron like you could come up with such an idiotic argument.
-- (repugs @ are. idiots), June 09, 2001.
Think of how many people he would NOT have killed if a teacher had a gun and shot him dead!!!Think of how many people would have been killed if he had a gun and the teacher had a gun and the teacher shot at the gunman but killed a student who got in the way and then the gunman continued shooting and the kids all had guns and shot at the teacher for shooting the student but they missed and killed more students and then the students all started shooting at each other and then everyone shot everyone!! How about that, huh?
-- (whew@i.need.air), June 11, 2001.
anonymous coward,
You need more than air; the ability to think clearly comes to mind.
To my knowledge, there is but one place on earth where teachers routinely are armed at school: Israel. I can assure you that a Palestinian with a knife would not have killed eight school children in Israel. One or two, maybe. But definitely not eight.
Of course, this is America, where you are free to be a victim if you choose to be. As I respect your constitutional right to be a victim, please respect my constitutional right to own and carry a gun so that I can protect my life, and the lives of my family.
-- J (Y2J@home.comm), June 11, 2001.
To my knowledge, there is but one place on earth where teachers routinely are armed at school: Israel. I can assure you that a Palestinian with a knife would not have killed eight school children in Israel. One or two, maybe. But definitely not eight.How many would the teacher have killed?
-- (anonymous@cow.ard), June 11, 2001.
"Nonetheless, I believe that there were zero armed security guards at the school, not two. There was one armed sheriff's deputy, who refused to actively engage the shooters in an attempt to save lives. He did briefly return fire before retreating."In the Santee, CA incident (San Diego) there was an armed sheriff's deputy at the school and he not only returned fire but hit the attacking student thus ending the incident before more unarmed, helpless victims were hurt or killed.
-- Flash (, June 11, 2001.
anonymous coward,
Most likely just the knife wielding attacker. I don't necessarily expect you to have the capability to understand this, but guns send bullets where they are aimed, not just randomly in all directions.
-- J (Y2J@home.comm), June 11, 2001.
I don't necessarily expect you to have the capability to understand this, but guns send bullets where they are aimedAnd aim is always 100% accurate? In a tense situation? And there's never the chance of anything getting in the way at the last minute? Are they using guided bullets?
-- (anonymous@cow.ard), June 11, 2001.
"Number of physicians in the US: 700,000. Accidental deaths caused by physicians per year: 120,000. Accidental deaths per physician.... 0.171" who did the math? If there are 700,000 physicans and 120,000 deaths that would be 5.8333... deaths for each physician each year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-- I Own A Gun so (, July 31, 2001.
No, Own. Dividing physicians by deaths (as you did) yields physicians per death (not deaths per physician), just as dividing gallons of gasoline consumed, by miles traveled would yield gallons per mile (rather than miles per gallon).
-- David L (, July 31, 2001.