How Grendal74 got TG settings for "kikcubic" ? : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread |
I didn't found kikcubic at page with TG settings: looked at his .inp, at it's difficulty is easier, than default settings, so if this is TG settings, where I could get it ?
-- Ped (, June 07, 2001
ups, I don't know, where was my mind, when I got feeling, that Grendal using other, than default settings, sorry. Still this "TG" is confusing me. Whoa, should clear my eyes and mind next time. :( :)
-- Ped (, June 07, 2001.
I think I just put TG there by mistake! Default settings used--------
Datapanic - Arcade Datfiles for Romcenter
-- grendal74 (, October 02, 2001.