Mariners Kick @ss 13 in-a-row....will they make it 14? : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

Love em, hate em, HAVE to acknowledge these guys are on a streak that blows away the 95 'magic' season!

Mariners to get the first ring of the new millenium

"2 outs...So What?"


-- Da Moose (on@da.loose!), June 06, 2001


Go Sixers!

-- Lars (, June 06, 2001.

It appears I'll be adding to my collection of play-off tee shirts. maybe even get some World Series editions.

Like I said, it's the fans and the front office that grows them so well.

Go Ichiro!

-- Cherri (, June 06, 2001.

What? Against the Mighty Rangers? Sigh.

-- Flint (, June 06, 2001.

Are the mighty Rangers 25 games behind the Mariners or only 24? LOL!

-- jammy (jammin@with.jammy), June 06, 2001.

How 'bout them Cubbies? Now there's a team for you.

-- Jack Booted Thug (, June 07, 2001.

"14, I hear 14, do I hear 15? 15?..."

-- Da Moose (on@da.loose!), June 07, 2001.

15 it is!

16? do I hear 16?....

-- Da Moose (on@da.loose!), June 09, 2001.

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