Hey Old, I mean Decker...greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
You're posting your daydreams about running the US Govt. while hiding from you're supervisor again. We now have a new catagory: tax sniveler. That's the file I'm gonna put you in; now get back to work, you jerk, before I come down there and chat with your boss. She would be interested to know that you are wasting the hard earned taxpayers money, no doubt.
-- KoFE (your@town.USSA), June 05, 2001
-- Carlos (riffraff@cybertime.net), June 06, 2001.
When I read your post, I laughed so hard I almost spilled my coffee (no pun intended). I doubt you have the backbone to show up anywhere and demand anything. After all, a weasel like you doesn't have the guts to show up in court and test your tax protest fantasy. You remind me of the beery guy who claims he can whip anybody, but won't ever step outside.Keep hiding from the IRS, Kofe, and make those little squeaking noises about your patriotism. Your feet soil the ground protected by real patriots. And keep guessing as to my identity. I need the laughs.
-- Remeber (the@ld.forum.com), June 06, 2001.
Maybe I was wrong; Decker could spell.
-- KoFE (your@town.USSA), June 06, 2001.
Yeah and so could the real KoFE
-- (dumb@ass.faker), June 11, 2001.
I obviously did not post that.
-- dudesy (dudesy@37.com), June 11, 2001.