do you like looking at colorful ballons? : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

Decatur, Alabama Sent in by J. Allen P. This is a photo of the beautiful baloons at the Alabama Jubilee 2001.

-- Anonymous, June 05, 2001


Pretty, huh?

-- Anonymous, June 05, 2001

once we were driving along and so about 100 of was awesom...course, we did NOT have a camera!

-- Anonymous, June 06, 2001

-- Anonymous, June 07, 2001

One of my very oldest and dearest friends is a hot air balloon pilot. She took up the "hobby" (and I use that term loosely, as it is her passion) after becoming acquainted with a friend of her husband (both of whom are 'regular' pilots) who also had his balloon license. After her first trip up, she was hooked, and decided she 'had' to do this. . .so she did.

She's got her own balloon, the "Easy Rider", and regularly participates in various balloon 'meets'. Always goes to Albuquerque for the big event they have every year. Goes to many around the mid- west, too.

I crewed for her for many years and really, really miss it. There's nothing quite like getting everything ready well before dawn and lifting off just as the sun rises. . . We flew at least once a week, year round (when the weather permitted). . .have several Thanksgiving Day flights I remember fondly. . . We'd fly at sunset, too, but it's the trips at dawn that I miss the most. . .what a rush to start the day!

And yes, some of the balloons you see at these events are not only beautiful, but very cleverly and artfully engineered. Wish I had a scanner; I'd put up some really neat pics. . .

Dang. . .now ya' got me thinking about it. . . :-) We had some great times. . .

-- Anonymous, June 07, 2001

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