California responsible for 13 percent of total US output : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread


Monday June 4, 6:27 pm Eastern Time

California responsible for 13 pct of total US output

By Jonathan Nicholson

WASHINGTON, June 4 (Reuters) - A new report by the government shows California makes up about one-eighth of U.S. economic output, a proportion that may be worrying U.S. policymakers as they assess the effects of the state's energy crisis.

The Commerce Department said California's gross state product - the tally of goods and services produced by labor and property located in the state - was 13.2 percent of national output in 1999, the latest year for which data are available.

That was well above the share of national economic output provided by the next largest state economies, New York, at 8.1 percent, and Texas, at 7.4 percent.

For the seven years ranging from 1992 to 1999, California grew at a 3.9 percent annual rate, well below the pace seen in its neighboring Western states.

California's rate of growth was a bit better, however, than the 3.7 percent gain in national gross domestic product seen annually in the same period.

The Golden State's pace of growth likely slipped in recent months under the crushing weight of a spike in electrical prices stemming from the state's attempt at deregulation.

While Gov. Gray Davis and the Bush Administration disagree over the need for wholesale level power price caps, officials are becoming increasingly edgy that the combination of the drag on spending from increased energy costs, as well as rolling blackouts, could tip the state's $1.229 trillion economy into recession.


In introductory remarks delivered via satellite to a central bankers conference in Singapore on Sunday night, Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan noted that the effect of rising electricity prices on the California economy had been ``modest'' to date.

``But no state or area of the United States has experienced the supply-demand imbalance in electric power that currently confronts Californians. This imbalance should only be a problem in the short-run, but it is, nonetheless, a concern for the national economic outlook,'' Greenspan said.

And in a May 30 speech in San Antonio, Robert McTeer, the blunt-speaking president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas and a non-voting member of the Fed's rate-setting Open Market Committee, said he thought a recession in California due to energy prices was ``possible.''

While California's economy was the biggest, it posted only a middling performance for the years 1992 through 1999. Other Western states, including Nevada, Oregon and Washington all grew at a faster pace than it did during the period.

Arizona, at a 7.3 percent annual rate of growth, topped all other states.

The weakest growth was posted by Hawaii, which was the only state to post a negative average annual growth rate, contracting at a 0.3 percent yearly pace. Alaska had the next slowest growth, eking out a 0.5 percent average annual increase.

-- (M@rket.trends), June 05, 2001


California by itself represents the 6th largest economy in the world. If it goes down, wees in tubble.

-- (thanks Dumbya @ you. dumbass), June 05, 2001.

What state receives the most funds from the federal government

-- Speedy (SDG@VERIDA.COM), June 05, 2001.

And if we prop it up with any more resources from the rest of the country, we are in big trouble!

-- libs are idiots (, June 05, 2001.

So the truth, the REAL beef finally raises its ugly head here.

Ain't about power, about FERC, it is about Welfare. Welfare for thirdworlders to be exact.

About supporting DECADES of illegal immigration. A HUGE mess which no President has shown they care a damn thing about solving. Although Slick at least started the ball rolling on reforming the welfare end of it.

The current clown thinks it "neat" to do his radio addresses bilingually. He wants to blur the lines still further and make all of the Hemisphere one 3rd world flea market. He signs trade agreements, like the rest, with Communists.

Want to know who was the first Califonia Governor to really promote the tide of illegals? Ronald Reagan. Go back and see if Ronnie did anything differently as the Prez, he didn't.

When is BUSH going to address what apparently IS the real beef you people have? WHEN? How many more suckers get to come here and feed off the LEGAL Citizens of this once(before the flood) Great Nation?

Are you telling YOUR BOY how ya feel? Do you dig his actions on this so far?

-- (, June 05, 2001.,

Where were you when attempts were made to crack down on illegal immigration, or disallow illegal voting by illegals, or to restrict benefits going to illegals - nowhere!! The judges that Clinton packed the courts with have bent over backwards to make it even more easy to cross the border, get benefits, yadayadayada. So don't give me any crap that Clinton made any attempt to "stem the tide", just the opposite occurred. He gave them all amnesty.

-- libs are idiots (, June 05, 2001.

Everyone knows that Duhbya loves them "wetbacks". He loves to destroy our labor unions by hiring the "beaners" to work for peanuts, so that his corporate CEO buddies can watch their profits soar.

Not to mention all the oil he'd like to steal from them. His long term agenda is to make Mexico part of Texas and change the state name to "Texaco".

-- (Duhbya selling @ our country. for profit), June 05, 2001.

libs are idiots,

Never said Clinton did anything as well. What I said was at least with that dolt in the WH we got SOMETING resembling an answer, namely some Welfare Reform.

Where is George W Bush on this? NO PLACE.

THIS alone disqualifies the man in my book. MOST of the other issues are the result of having open borders and trade which amounts to a flood. Name the issue, there is the cause.




You support a strong defense? How about guarding the freaking BORDERS????????????????

OURS for a change??????????????????????????

WHERE IS GW BUSH???????????????????????????

-- (, June 05, 2001.

I will tell you where GW BUSH is, PANDERING to HISPANICS is where, legal or illegal like it could possibly matter. Helping his Capitalist Whore buddies milk the decent citizens of this once great land is where is GW BUSH.

NOW WAKE UP, turn fucking Rush Limbaugh OFF and get busy getting the latest PIG out of power.

-- (, June 05, 2001.

Anybody here have an opinion on California's energy crisis and the national economy?

-- (hij@cked.threads), June 05, 2001.

Yes. California is responsible for 13% of our economy. This means that if the energy crisis has adverse effects on them, it will have adverse effects on our country.

Anything else you need to know?

-- (okay @ back to. Duhbya now), June 05, 2001.

-- (,

As long as you and the rest of the dems call for a massive federal bureaucracy (on the pretense of "protecting" the poor) there will be pandering ad infinitum, whether it's Clinton or Bush, or whoever. Face it, power corrupts, and every new goddamn law you call for in the name of protecting somebody only gives Bush, Clinton, Senator 'dipshit', etc. more power. And the pandering won't stop. Strip the federal government of its power and then your "pandering" will stop. But you're full of it to call it a Republican problem, as the likes of Paul Wellstone and Ted Kennedy will no more give away their power to hand out goodies than anyone else. It's a fed problem.

-- libs are idiots (, June 05, 2001.

The game's over migration wise and has been for quite awhile. If you guys really want to blame someone start with your parents. Or their parents maybe. The variety of politicians doesn't matter. The idea of immigration is core to our country and poisoned our parents into thinking the then enclaves in the northeast, midwest and southeast represented American immigration and the future of America itself. Them Westies? Just a bunch of Mexicans not to worry about. Besides, I like Pears in April.

-- Carlos (, June 06, 2001.

What state receives the most funds from the federal government

What state has the greatest population? Duh.

-- (dittomonkeys@re.morons), June 06, 2001.

>>>The game's over migration wise and has been for quite awhile. If you guys really want to blame someone start with your parents. Or their parents maybe. The variety of politicians doesn't matter. The idea of immigration is core to our country and poisoned our parents -- Carlos (, June 06, 2001. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------

No, that can't be, because when my ancestors came over they had to survive by themselves and by their friends and families, not by massive social welfare programs. They came over legally, and were received with open arms by a nation with lots of room and lots of work to be done. They were committed to staying and helping build, not to take the money and run.

>>What state receives the most funds from the federal government >>What state has the greatest population? Duh.

-- (dittomonkeys@re.morons), June 06, 2001.

No, that can't be. Are you saying that there is a fairness and balance to the distribution of fed funds by population? You'd be incorrect, since many states have a net loss if you look at fed revenue via fed spending. My own state puts out more than it gets. How much more than it puts out does CA get?

-- Nonny (No.That@Cant.Be), June 06, 2001.

>>Yes. California is responsible for 13% of our economy. This means that if the energy crisis has adverse effects on them, it will have adverse effects on our country. Anything else you need to know?

Yes. What is the market cap of that '13%' today vs what it was a year ago? Can it be that the California '13%' has tanked, before the 'energy crisis?' How much of that '13%' is consumed within the state anyway, vs what is exported to either other states or other countries?

-- Hamilcar Barca (, June 06, 2001.


Why don't you ask Duuh-bya, he thinks he is an economic expert!

He will probably tell you that "the dashboard lights on the California economy are flashing, and that we can't just drive on and ignore them". He prefers to get drunk and drive over a cliff!

-- (Poppy Bush @ owns. Enron stock), June 06, 2001.

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