where are you all hidinggreenspun.com : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread |
has vplaces turned into a ghost town I haven't seen any old friends in quite a while
-- jamais (jamais1@excite.com), June 04, 2001
We pop in from time to time on sunday nite. rest fo the week goodluck!!! I float around on here or on icq. Feel free to e-mail me anyone if you want my ICQ.
-- Wolfie (rglane@mtu.edu), June 06, 2001.
Heya Jamais! I'm actually hiding in MI for the summer, and I pop into VP once and a while, though ICQ or email is probably the best way to get a hold of me. I'll be sure to look for you next time I'm in!Drizzt
-- Drizzt Do'Urden (Christopher_Carleton@msn.com), June 07, 2001.
Actually I'm hiding in Exile waiting for anyone to come and chat... : )
-- Laighe of the Limberlost (laighe@excite.com), July 01, 2001.
Jammy baby!...guess who is back! You will see me around more often...and maybe "I'll come up and see you sometime!"(Mae West) LOL Cya soon, Ken
-- Washngo (gowashkf@home.com), July 04, 2001.