Constipated? This will solve your problem! - A harness maker at Pompano Park got a huge shock Saturday when he came upon a six-foot alligator in a bathroom : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
Gator revisits track; this time it's in toiletBY ADRIENNE SAMUELS
A harness maker at Pompano Park got a huge shock Saturday when he came upon a six-foot alligator in a bathroom stall.
The gator was wrapped around the bottom of the toilet -- possibly looking for a cool place to hide -- when harness track employee Donald Robinson, 68, found him at 7:45 a.m. and alerted security, said General Manager Dick Feinberg.
Robinson said he was startled by the sight of the gator. ``Damn right it was exciting. I hadn't had my coffee yet,'' he said. ``I stepped one foot in and whamo, I said lookee here. I called the guard, closed the door, took the mop handle and put a brace between the door and the fence outside,'' Robinson said.
Florida Fish and Game Commission Officer Jeff Ferrell caught and removed the alligator. The animal must have crawled in overnight, looking for a cool place to rest, park officials said.
Two weeks ago, the same gator delayed the eighth race at Pompano Park as he crossed the harness track and headed back to his home in the infield lake, according to park spokesman Steve Wolf.
The park's gator troubles might not yet be over, Wolf said. Several others -- larger than the one captured on Saturday -- have been seen lurking around park ponds, which are connected to drainage pipes leading to nearby neighborhoods.
Robinson's not worried about the rest though. ``There's always gator stories around here, this is just one of them.''
The Associated Press contributed to this report.
Constipated? This will solve your problem!
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, June 04, 2001 a picture of one of our natives wrapped around the shitter....
-- Deano (, June 04, 2001.