"Church" will consult with atheists...DUH?!?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

Atheists given say in women bishops row

By Victoria Combe, Religion Correspondent

THE Church of England is to consult atheists and people of other faiths to help it decide whether it should have women bishops.

The Church has announced that it is widening its consultation on women in the episcopate beyond churchgoers to include Muslims, Hindus, Jews, Buddhists and those of no faith.

The Bishop of Rochester, the Rt Rev Michael Nazir-Ali, who leads a working party on women bishops, has written an open letter asking for "submissions" from anyone interested by Nov 1.

The Church, whose usual Sunday attendance has dropped below one million for the first time, is seeking to enhance its role in serving the whole community. Bishop Nazir-Ali said: "We want views from a cross-section of the community not just church people because the bishop works in the community at large."

Women were first ordained priests in 1994 and it is likely that they will be consecrated bishops in the next 10 years. The first hurdle was overcome last July when the General Synod supported a motion calling for "theological study" on women bishops.

-- Whats Wrong With This Picture (fine@tune.this), June 04, 2001


Link: "Church" will consult with atheists...DUH?!?

-- Whats Wrong With This Picture (fine@tune.this), June 04, 2001.

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