SHARPTON - Vieques vanity pales compared to real sacrifice : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread




June 3, 2001 -- THE Rev. Al Sharpton and his three co-bellyachers are giving civil disobedience a bad name.

They knew when they trespassed onto U.S. government property on the island of Vieques that they were breaking the law. Imagine their surprise when a federal judge agreed, and threw the book at them.

Powerful friends saw to it that they were transferred to Brooklyn, where they don't have to rub shoulders with felons and have had generous access to celebrity friends, family and the media.

Rather than serve their puffball sentences with dignity, the celebrity convicts are howling about the injustice of having to be in jail at all.

Sharpton and his gang want credit for going to jail - and hey, that's more than Jesse "Wall Street" Jackson has done lately - but God forbid they should have to suffer for their convictions.


By way of contrast, think of Sister Dorothy Hennessey, an 88-year-old Iowa nun arrested last fall for trespassing during an anti-military protest.

Two weeks ago, when a federal judge sentenced 25 others arrested in the same protest to six months in prison, he offered Sister Dorothy the option of serving her time under house arrest at her convent.

"I'm not an invalid!" the elderly nun told the judge. She demanded to serve out her sentence in prison with the others. And to prison the gutsy nun will soon go, without complaint.

"In my case, it was an obligation," she told me in a frail voice. "I've never been to prison. They say it's like the old days in the novitiate."

Or consider the case of Joan Andrews Bell, a Jersey City woman who has spent a total of 51/2 years behind bars, some of it under maximum-security conditions, for her nonviolent civil disobedience on behalf of the unborn.

In 1998, when a Pennsylvania judge offered her probation in exchange for a promise not to engage in further civil disobedience at abortion clinics, Bell told him to get lost.

"To accept probation demands that I sign my name to a piece of paper which says that I will obey unjust laws," she said in a court affidavit.

Today, Bell, 53, is raising her children in Jersey City with husband Chris. As a Catholic pacifist, she is proud of Sharpton for standing up for the anti-military protesters on Vieques.

But she believes those who choose to break the law to make a statement should serve their time "without animosity or anger."

"I think God gives very special graces when one's willing to suffer, even a little bit. He magnifies the witness," she said.

The key, she explained, is seeing suffering for the sake of justice and righteousness as a privilege, something it is an honor to bear.

Suffering as a privilege, something to be accepted stoically and with humility? There doesn't seem to be much humble stoicism coming out of Sharpton's cell.

Rose Berger, a Washington-based veteran of the nonviolent peace-protest movement, points out that Martin Luther King Jr. believed that a nonviolent protester who chose to defy an unjust law should be brave enough to take the lawful consequences.

This, King wrote from a Birmingham jail, shows that the protester "is in reality expressing the highest respect for law."

By King's standard, what are we to make of the Vieques Four's reaction to their own sentencing?

Well, what's the difference between sainthood and self-dramatizing silliness?


-- Anonymous, June 03, 2001



WE'RE doing it by the numbers. The Vieques Four, the Gracie Mansion Three, Pamela Anderson's Two and now we discuss Al Sharpton Number One.

Timothy McVeigh's coverage in prison I understand. We all have interest in his extermination. FBI spy Hanssen who ratted out his country? Let there be light on his case so we're all sure he's getting his. But hourly jail-side press conferences with Rev. Al who never saw a photo op he didn't like? ... who never gave a Vieques before this clump of ground became hot?

And wet tears from eyes staring straight into a zoom lens? Trust me, if that camera broke down, sharp Sharpton would not.

Mind, I like this guy. If there weren't an Al Sharpton, somebody would have to invent him. He's smart, he's fun. I've been with him socially, done shows with him. He has a great sense of humor. Knows exactly what he's about. He's sure not fooling himself, so why should he fool us?

Clinton's sitting in a Starbucks trying to get an iced mocha frappucino latte with skimmed milk, juicy Jesse Jackson the savior of womankind is posing for anyone with a Polaroid, and this cute overstuffed teddybear, who's on a hunger strike knowing he'll secretly thank God if he drops 50 pounds, has stolen the spotlight from everyone.

I mean, this man who votes with Hillary on matters like "hair matters" and still has his perfect page boy even in the can - for president?

He's already prep'd his inaugural speech. It opens with: "Thanks to our founding fathers, every child born in the U.S.A. today is endowed with life, liberty, and a share of the national debt ... Back when the Native Americans were running this country, there was no national debt. And there were no taxes, no foreign entanglements, and the women did all the work. What I don't understand is how Caucasians thought they could improve on a system like that."

Listen, every American has a chance to become president. It's one of the risks we take when we live in the land of the free, home of the craven.

I suggest for Al's press secretary, maybe the one who definitely knew how to get him on Page 1 - Tawana Brawley. Secretary of state has to be that ultimate diplomat, Louis Farrakhan.

For drug czar, Washington, D.C., Mayor Marion Barry. Nobody could know how to get the stuff better than he. Remember, it was Mayor Marion who once said: "Abe Lincoln is known for his Gettysburg Address, which is very surprising since it didn't have a ZIP code."

For Secretary of the treasury? Who knows how to coin money better than Don King. And remember it was Don King who said of Lincoln: "He lived in a log cabin. No lights, no heat, no running water. The man had a New York landlord."

Maybe he'll do good. Let's face it, if Congress gets ornery, he'll picket them. If the Senate gives him attitude, he'll organize demonstrations. Sit-ins. Lay-downs. Move-nears.

And never forget, a vote for Al Sharpton is a vote for Al Sharpton.

-- Anonymous, June 03, 2001

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