POPOCATEPETL - Active againgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread |
JUNE 1 11:00 h (16:00 h GMT):
In the last 24 hours, the Popocatepetl activity has shown an increase. There were 4 small exhalations of low intensity of gas, steam and some times carrying small amounts of ash. Yesterdeay at 21:36 there was an explosion of moderate intensity. The event lasted one minute in its intense phase. Incandescent material was sent on the North-east flank at distances between 2 and 3 km from the crater (see image). It is possible that there was a small ash plume, but it could not be confirmed. After a minute and a half, episodes of harmonic tremor started. Their amplitude was small to regular and they lasted about 5 hours. Today at 08:04, there was another explosion, similar to the one from yesterday, but much smaller in size. At the moment of this report, the summit of the volcano is covered by snow and we can see a steam plume to the South-west.
It is possible that explosive activity as that occurred yesterday and on April 16 and 29, and on May 13, will continue in the next days or weeks.
The traffic light of volcanic alert is maintained yellow-3. It is recommended not to approach the volcano to less than 12 km from the crater.
-- Anonymous, June 02, 2001
It's just a little gas. It will pass.
-- Anonymous, June 03, 2001