tokina 17mm or sigma 16mm (both f3.5) : LUSENET : Camera Equipment : One Thread

hello , i can buy a (new)tokina 17mm sl-17 (MF) for 278$ or a sigma 16mm f3.5(2hand) for 160$ . I am not familiar with this kind of lenses so please help me out a bit . I only need this lens for my next vacation(Monaco) , normally i use my 4*5". I know the 16mm is a fisheye but i like the effect.So i thougt i need a 16 or 17mm lens for shooting narrow streets and big buildings (from short distence).The tokina seems to be a nice lens for the price ? dunno for the sigma 16mm (3 years old).

-- patrick van gelder (, June 02, 2001


More than one photographer has bought a fisheye lens with visions of grander, only to tire quickly of the effect. The true rectilinear lens would be more useful in more situations, and if used with care can look quite natural, (i.e., straight line remain straight).

If possible, shoot some film with both types of lenses to see how the images match your vision. After the "newness" of a fisheye wears off, you might find fewer uses for it than you imagined before the purchase. My choice for a superwide lens is a rectilinear model.

As with much in life, you get what you pay for. I use real Nikon lenses, and they are very well corrected. If possible you might try to test these lenses for barrel distortion, which can ruin photos of buildings. Be aware also that unless you keep the camera's film plane 100% vertical, the buildings will appear to tilt severly, an effect that can be used to enhance a composition, or ruin it if it is not desired.

-- Al Smith (, June 04, 2001.


I agree with Al Smith, but NIkon is so expensive and most people can't afford the price.

Actually myself I'm looking also for a 17mm at a affordable price and I found a Zoom Sigma 17-35mm (not cheap either) Can you tell me what do you think about it, is it a good optic. I want to use to take pictures of Jet'c cockpits. I have a NKON 24mm and I was thinking of trade in with a sigma; what would be (A.Smith) your advise? Do you know wer I can buy second 17mmm? many thanks Francois

-- Francois NOTRE (, January 11, 2002.

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