DOOMED - HUD's $860,000 "Creative Wellness" program for public housing (hint: incense, lucky gemstones, pretty colors) : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread



June 1, 2001 --

Something stinks in public housing. Or at least it did - until President Bush's HUD put the kibosh on a spectacularly ill-advised program left over from the previous administration.

The Andrew Cuomo administration, that is.

As The Post's Brian Blomquist exclusively reported, under former Secretary Cuomo, HUD developed an $860,000 program that taught public-housing tenants to burn incense, carry lucky gemstones and wear nice colors like apricot to reduce stress.

Shades of Shirley MacLaine! Guess Andrew was hanging with the Left Coasties too long.

"Creative Wellness" was to be taught in two dozen public-housing centers across the country - including New York.

The project would identify people by their "corresponding glandular points" and determine each to be an "Apollo" or a "Hermes" (a woman would be either an "Artemis" or a "Minerva").

Yes, this is your tax dollars at work.

Cuomo's spokesman blames the approval for this nutty idea on a "rogue action by a lone civil servant." Ah, the worst kind! A rogue! There's no telling how much damage they can do.

Especially when the secretary of housing and urban development isn't paying attention.

Albany, of course, is jam-packed with civil servants - that's all they have up there, actually - and they've been known to go rogue from time to time.

This bodes badly should Andrew win the governorship next year, as is his ambition.

Wouldn't you say?

And kudos to the new administration for taking the trash out straight away.

-- Anonymous, June 02, 2001


This would be hilarious, if it wasn't so expensive.

-- Anonymous, June 02, 2001

If you've ever seen Absolutely Fabulous, and I hope you have, there's an American character (Edwina's ex-husband's new wife) who's exceedingly touchy-feely and I could just imagine her heading up this program.

-- Anonymous, June 02, 2001

I used to watch Ab Fab a lot. I just found it on cable a week or so ago. Just in time to catch all the episodes I already saw. LOL

-- Anonymous, June 03, 2001

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