This is the ONLY way that has worked for me. : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

3 years+ of every format imaginable,i feel i have finally found something that works for me. I use the MMC.7.0 32Mb Radeon i capture using custom setings Mpeg 2 720x576 4.99mbit/sec me 17 etc

then when capture is done ulead video studio opens automatically i then do the editing then i use Tmpgenc i use custom resize(this resizes the picture to my choice,i choose around 430x326 you can choose the size that you like,i use this size as i have a massive tv and i don't need to go full scrren.besides this resizing gives dvd quality picture as it gets rid of any hint of artifacts within motion scenes.

i am happy with this as it looks dvd quality.

evey other way i always had motion artifacts and thats after thousand s of hours of experimenting,i feel you simply have to up the capture bitrate and also the capture screensize too,it's the only way to get near dvd quality,no b.s.

now i have a question as i am thinking of buying a Pentium 4 1400mgh 128 rd ram 30gig 7200rpm etc, new pc,should i wait and spend my money on one of those new Recordable dvd players or buy the pc?

-- melinda matre (, June 01, 2001


This sound like XSVCD. Does your DVD player plays this MPEG-2 video? I use strictly SVCD (480X480) and the video look superb on the TV screen (big screen included).

-- ktnwin (, June 01, 2001.

I personally would buy the new computer and wait to see what sort of problems (if any) the new DVD recorders have in producing set-top playable DVD's. It would be a shame to spend all that money on the recorder only to find out that your particular set-top can't read the DVD you've created.

-- Chris Kenny (, June 01, 2001.

...but if you got the PC you can use it for many things anytime. But we're curious here: you seem not to be inclined in anything DV. I get it you are using the Radeon to capture analogue straight into MPEG-2 with a s/w codec (somebody else said to this effect in this forum the Radeon and others of its ilk DO use a s/w MPEG codec) at 4.99mb/s. Is this because you only have analogue sources?? Do you do any NLE at all?? Whatever, you might want to know that type-1 DV bitrate is only about 3.5mb/s. The DV codec compresses 5:1 which is comparable to many MJPEG codecs that range from 4:1 to 6:1 and probably even I- frame MPEG-2. It's a standard across many h/w and s/w platforms and you can even archive your productions without loss back to DV or D8 tape, aside from creating your S/VCD and/or DVD. You seem to be going for DVD-quality. If that is because you have pristine full-resolution 720x576 digital sources (like D1 (gasp!), or DV) and you're dead serious about it then you shouldn't be caught anywhere near an analogue capture device like a Radeon. Have you considered FireWire??? I'm inputting this in considering you plan to get that superduper P4 PC, which FireWire should handily complement.

-- Mehmet Tekdemir (, June 02, 2001.

DVDR are approx $400.00 up. Media is about $20.00 up for one time and 40.00 for rewritable. Not all dvd standalone will play these disc's. For my money, at present, I would wait until the price of the media drops to where it is compatible. Do you not remember when blank cdr's were $4.00 and cdrw were $12.00--Its only about three years ago?

Have you thought about Amd. Their cpu's are about 2/3 the price of intel?

-- ron (, September 06, 2001.

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