In Honor of the Beginning of Hurricane : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
Today, June 1st, marks the beginning of the dreaded hurricance season - well, at least for us folks on a coast. There's even storms named Dean and Wendy this year. Wend is the wife's name.For those up to minute weather forecast in your area, check out:
Pretty cool lil' desktop tool. Animated radar and everything!!
-- Deano (, June 01, 2001
Her name would be Wendy, not Wend....
-- Deano (, June 01, 2001.
This was not easy, especially coming up with names for Q and Y. If anyone has complaints, keep 'em to yourselves.Y2K+1 Hurricane Name List
Anita Boswell Cin Deano Eve Future Shock Gary North Hawk INVAR J. Dennis Olson Kritter LadyLogic Maria or Manny, take your pick No Spam Please OTFR Poole, Stephen "Queen" of Spain Ra Shakey Tarzan Unk Deedah Will Continue X, Unnamed Trolls from Planet You're Not Getting My Wallet Z1X yada yada yada
-- Johnny Thunders (, June 01, 2001.
FWIW, a warning about the site Deano mentioned, IME. I downloaded this lil guy, ( only to find out the place where they were measuring the temp for "my area" is about 150 miles away, where the weather conditions are drastically different.
-- Aunt Bee (, June 01, 2001.
Didn't realize that AB. I guess I got lucky as the weather conditions for my neck of the woods are coming out of the Mayport Navy Base, only about 5 miles north of me. However, on a typical summer day down here you can pass thru about 9 different weather conditions in those 5 miles!Deano
-- Deano (, June 04, 2001.