WOO - How Coyote got his special power

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In the beginning of the world, Spirit Chief called a meeting of all the animal people.

"Some of you do not have names yet," he said when they had gathered together. "And some of you do not like the names you have now. Tomorrow, before the sun rises I will give a name to everyone. And I will give each an arrow also.

"Come to my lodge as soon as the darkness is gone. The one who gets there first may choose any name he wants, and I will give him the longest arrow. The longest arrow will mean that he will have the most power.

As the people left the meeting, Coyote said to his friend Fox, "I'm going to be there first. I don't like my name. I want to be called Grizzly Bear or Eagle."

Fox laughed. "No one wants your name. You may have to keep it."

"I'II be there first," repeated Coyote. "I won't go to sleep tonight."

That night he sat by his fire and stayed awake for a long time. Owl hooted at him. Frog croaked in the marshes. Coyote heard them all. But after the stars had closed their eyes, he became very sleepy. His eyelids grew heavy.

"I will have to prop my eyes open."

So he took two small sticks and propped his eyelids apart. "Now I can stay awake."

But soon he was fast asleep, and when he awoke, the sun was making shadows. His eyes were dry from being propped open, but he ran to the lodge of the Spirit Chief.

"I want to be Grizzly Bear," he said, thinking he was the first one there. The lodge was empty except for Spirit Chief.

"That name is taken, and Grizzly Bear has the longest arrow. He will be chief of the animals on the earth."

"Then I will be Eagle."

"That name is taken, and Eagle has the second arrow. Eagle will be the chief of the birds."

"Then I will be Salmon."

"That name is taken, and Salmon has the third arrow. Salmon will be the chief of all the fish. Only the shortest arrow is left, and only one name--Coyote."

And the Spirit Chief gave Coyote the shortest arrow. Coyote sank down beside the fire of the Spirit Chief. His eyes were still dry. The Spirit Chief felt sorry and put water in his eyes. Then Coyote had an idea.

"I will ask Grizzly Bear to change with me."

"No," said Grizzly, "I cannot. Spirit Chief gave my name to me."

Coyote came back and sank down again beside the fire in the big lodge. Then Spirit Chief spoke to him.

"I have special power for you. I wanted you to be the last one to come. I have work for you to do, and you will need this special power. With it you can change yourself into any form. When you need help, call on your power.

"Fox will be your brother. He will help you when you need help. If you die, he will have the power to bring you to life again.

"Go to the lake and get four tules. Your power is in the rules. Then do well the work I will give you to do."

So that is how Coyote got his special power.


Mr. Seymore gave a unique account of the end of Coyote. Coyote and the Spirit Chief - whom Mr. Seymore always referred to as "God" - had a power contest. Unable to move a mountain except when Spirit Chief wanted him to do so, Coyote was thus defeated and was taken to an island in the ocean. He and his wife and four children can be seen there now, through a spyglass, but no one can get to them. When the world changes again - in the year 2000 - Coyote will come back.


----------------- This variant of a widely told tale was related by Eneas Seymore, a Lake Indian on the Colville Reservation. lut a similar Okanogan story, the chief gave Coyote special power, which was to be in his stomach. in a Karok version, Old-Man-Above made him the most cumming of animals because newly created Man had sympathy for his disappointment; in gratitude, Coyote became the friend of Man and his children.

-- Anonymous, May 31, 2001

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