China--keep me posted? : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

Hey guys, I'm new to this bulletinboard thing, so I'm not sure if I'm doing this correctly, but I was looking through some of the posted material and saw several "articles' in refernece to China. My boyfriend is in the ARMY National Guard, and I have several other friends who are guard and ROTC, etc, and they have been telling me that within 10 years we will be at war with China. They seem to think that this war is inevitable, which makes me wonder if the military is already considering this future problem. Unofrtunately, I'm not incredibly resourceful when it comes to finding information about China online...everything I can uncover is merely what is reportesd in the nightly news, and thats not much, or at least not enough to satisfy me. Thus, I was wondering if anyone who reads this message and is familiar with information and other bulletin articles, etc about the ongoing 'crisis' that is developing with China, I would be ever-so grateful. I'm trying to keep up with this because it affects a lot of my friends, and is also of great interest to me. Thanks ever-so much!

-- Anonymous, May 31, 2001




they are a well known site for checking out possible military moves and the circumstances that might lead up to them

also....there is an article just up on Jeff Rense's site titled Beijing Prompts Invasion Fears

here's a snip:


China has massed amphibious vehicles and landing craft on an island near Taiwan as part of large-scale military exercises that are now under way, Pentagon officials said yesterday.

  At least 157 amphibious craft and vehicles were spotted recently on Dongshan island by U.S. intelligence-gathering aircraft. The island is located across the Taiwan Strait from southern Taiwan.  

The exercise is raising concerns among some in the Pentagon that China is practicing for a future invasion of Taiwan or an attack on one of Taiwan's smaller islands near the Chinese coast.  

"We have not seen these kinds of forces there for some time," said one intelligence official, who noted that the numbers were three times higher than during past exercises. The amphibious exercise is expected to be one of the largest shore-based war games held by the Chinese military in recent years.

(end snip)

you might want to check out NewsMax's China/Taiwan page for more non-mainstream info


-- Anonymous, May 31, 2001

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