UNEX - Things to rattle your reality

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Just for fun, here's a chapter from The Wave. It's long but will be fun for someone who enjoys pondering other realities. Bookmark it.

Reality Test

-- Anonymous, May 30, 2001


Thanks, Gordon, am going to sit here when I am done posting to boards and treat myself to read this tonight!

-- Anonymous, May 30, 2001

Truly an interesting read.

These 'unexplained phenomena' that we have had and continue to have are hard to explain because some aspects of them are beyond our ability to describe.

We see what we are familiar with, so a monster that we have never seen before takes on human aspects such as walking, when in fact it may just levitate, and the ability to levitate causes a disruption in the eye of the beholder which has never been experienced, so it appears the lower extremities are moving when they are not. See? hard to explain.

As we learn and grow, these difficulties tend to vanish.

I wonder if it is possible to not lose your luggage when going from one plane to the next. LOL

-- Anonymous, May 31, 2001


Yes, learning and growing is at the heart of all existence. And as you noted it is often our "perception" that gets in our way. Now, I wonder if it's possible to keep from losing our *marbles* as we move from one dimension to another, or "plane" if you want to call it that. ;-)

-- Anonymous, May 31, 2001

If I managed to realize that I had moved to another dimension or plane, I don't think my marbles would be the first thing I would worry about.

I would of course make sure I had my towel...

-- Anonymous, May 31, 2001

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