Name that thing, and that thing under : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
-- Cherri (, May 30, 2001
Dear Cherri, It may be that I'm loosing my brain cells but it looks like a plane thats, just had a baby called "unmanned spy plane" Doubtless I'm quite wrong but at least its an answer !
-- Chris (, May 30, 2001.
B52 'Strato' with a little XR-71 'Black Bird'
-- Telinet (, May 30, 2001.
Oops! Scratch the BB and make that a D-21 Drone, I think.
-- Telinet (, May 30, 2001.
Sorry, make that X-15."Is that your final answer?"
-- Telinet (, May 30, 2001.
X-15 indeed but how come no condensation wraping all the way around? Memory sez them fuel tanks frosted the bottom and top as well. This ain't a photo right?Keep these coming Cherri.
-- Carlos (, May 31, 2001.
Actually, I want the Talon.
-- Carlos (, May 31, 2001.
-- Gone (but@not.forgotten), May 31, 2001.
The thing is named Ed, and the thing under it is named Tammy.What did I win?
-- Alex Trebek (, May 31, 2001.