Smokescreen : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

Two old ladies are outside their nursing home having a smoke.
It starts to rain. One of the old ladies pulls out a condom, cuts of the end, puts it over her cigarette and continues smoking.
The second old lady asks: "What's that ?"
The first old lady replies: "A condom. It keeps them dry".
The second old lady asks: "Where'd you get it?"
The first old lady replies: "You can get them at any pharmacy".
The next day the second old lady hobbles into the local pharmacy and announces to the pharmacist that she wants a packet of condoms.
The guy looks at her rather strangely, (She is after all in her 80's).
He then recovers his composure and politely asks what kind and brand she prefers.
"Doesn't matter," she replies, "as long as it fits a camel"

-- Cherri (, May 30, 2001


An old man and an old woman are sitting next to each other in the nursing home. The woman says to the man, "I bet I can guess your age." He says, "OK, but you'll never get it right." She says, "I need to feel your penis. That will tell me precisely how old you are." He nods and she reaches inside his trousers and begins fondling his member. This goes on for a few minutes. She withdraws here hand and looks at him matter-of-factly and says, "You're 87." He is flabbergasted. "I don't understand how you did that. How could you possibly know how old I am?" She says, "You told me yesterday.

Dan V.

-- Jimmy Splinters (, May 30, 2001.

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