GORE - To run for Tennessee governor?

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American Spectator

Gore's Latest Big Plans

Despite strong signals that Tennessee Sen. Fred Thompson will seek re-election and not pursue other opportunities, such as running for governor, Al Gore has had operatives in the state float the notion that he may run for the seat should Thompson decide not to. "It's Mr. Gore's seat to begin with," says a former aide to the former vice president. "This would be a run about mending fences with his people and bringing alternative voices to a congressional delegation that has become far to extreme."

While Gore approved the trial balloon, he couldn't have been expecting much a groundswell in his home state -- which he failed to carry last fall. He has not spent much time in Tennessee since the election, although he has agreed to co-sponsor a day-long seminar this summer on politics with former Tennessee governor and Republican presidential candidate Lamar Alexander. The event will take place at Vanderbilt University in Nashville.

While some in-state political watchers believe Thompson is open to running for governor, members of his Senate staff and backers in Tennessee insist he is committed to running for re-election to Congress. "Perhaps Mr. Gore should look at a more winnable race himself," says a Thompson aide. "Maybe there is something up in California."

(Posted 5/29 at 2:10 p.m.)

-- Anonymous, May 29, 2001


I doubt Governor Davis in California is running for re-election, so I guess Gore could flame out there.....they'll need the light by then.

-- Anonymous, May 30, 2001

Last Christmas I and sweetie pie were driving back from the Okefenokee Swamp, crossed into TN on US 411. Of course, at the state line was the "welcome..." sign, below that "Home of VP Al Gore."

Someone had recently splashed yellow paint ALL OVER the Al Gore part. I do not believe Gore could be elected governor. Remember, it was Tennessee that elected George Bush, not Florida. For candidate to lose his home state only happens very rarely.

-- Anonymous, May 30, 2001

"It's Mr. Gore's seat to begin with," says a former aide. . .

That choice of words disturbs me considerably.

-- Anonymous, May 30, 2001

Sort of like the recounts. He just can't accept that he isn't wanted any more. Wants just one more opportunity to prove he's toast.

-- Anonymous, May 31, 2001

She said ryely.

-- Anonymous, May 31, 2001

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