BUM - Man singes it when trying to extinguish eternal flame

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

Tuesday May 29 8:34 AM ET

Man Burns Bottom in Flame Prank

PARIS (Reuters) - A man who tried to extinguish the ''eternal flame'' burning under the Arc de Triomphe by sitting on it has been treated in hospital for burns to his bottom.

The Paris daily Liberation said the unnamed prankster struck Sunday night and was promptly pulled off the illustrious flame, which honors the French who died during World War One.

His injuries were not serious, said the doctors who treated him at the capital's Bichat hospital.

The flame has been burning since 1921 over a grave containing the unidentified remains of a French soldier killed in the war.

A drunken Mexican soccer fan caused a scandal during the 1998 World Cup by putting the fire out with a glass of unspecified liquid.

The previous year an Australian was arrested for using the flame to cook an egg.

-- Anonymous, May 29, 2001

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