[Misc] Looking for particular thread about email providersgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
I'm looking for a thread that discussed how some email providers are changing their terms and conditions without notice to the user. Can anyone locate it. Thanks.
-- David L (bumpkin@dnet.net), May 29, 2001
Slightly different subject maybe. In the last two days I can no longer access my Yahoo email. So I return to my former ISP addy. I can still access Yahoo in general, just not the email page. Two weeks ago, Yahoo arbitrarily changed my password, now this. Anyone else having Yahoo email problems?
-- Lars (lars@indy.net), May 29, 2001.
Speaking of email, the address I've used for the past several years will be no more as of this coming Thursday. For the foreseeable future I can be contacted at the hotmail account below. I'll probably be offline most of the next several weeks, but will check the hotmail account when I'm able.Best -
-- Rich (living_in_interesting_times@hotmail.com), May 29, 2001.
Leave it to Rich to create the world's 2nd longest email address (after Tarzan)
-- Lars (larsguy@yahoo.com), May 29, 2001.
Hey, at least mine works. Tarz' goes bouncy, bouncy. My first choice was "may you live in interesting times", but I figured nobody likes me enough to type an addy that long. :0)
-- Rich (living_in_interesting_times@hotmail.com), May 29, 2001.
Yeah, mine does seem to have problems lately. You can always reach me at my even longer e-mail address, lord_and_lady_greystoke@yahoo.com
-- Tarzan the Ape Man (tarzan@swingingthroughthejunglewithouta.net), May 29, 2001.
Oh wow am I embarassed. My yahoo box is tarzan_and_jane_greystoke@yahoo.com. Try me there if my main address fails. Don't try the other one, it's not me.
-- Tarzan the Ape Man (tarzan@swingingthroughthejunglewithouta.net), May 29, 2001.
A Fond Fare Thee Well (howe9@shentel.net)-It is with sadness that we all bid you and your old addy adieu my friend. You have contributed much to the lives of those who have passed thru this forum and it's numerous forerunners. You have been the impetus of many a good discussion on philosphy of spiritual paths, right actions, and sharing part of your life journey with us here. I for one, just wanted to say thank you for all you have shared. Your insight as well as your humor will be missed by many in the next few weeks. May your your next stop find you well and in good spirits. My well wishes go with you on your new journey. We'll be waiting to hear how it is, living in interesting times.
-- Aunt Bee (Aunt__Bee@hotmail.com), June 03, 2001.
Jeez, Aunt Bee. I had to read the entire thread to see what I'd missed, just to find that you were saying goodbye to an E-mail address. Heh.
-- Anita (Anita_S3@hotmail.com), June 03, 2001.
LOl Anita! Well, it was a thread about email...
-- Aunt Bee (Aunt__Bee@hotmail.com), June 03, 2001.