EURO SUPERSTATE - French premier reveals plan--Brits will NOT be pleased : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread


Jospin reveals 'superstate' plan

By George Jones, Benedict Brogan and Andrew Sparrow

TONY BLAIR was forced on to the defensive over Europe last night after Lionel Jospin, the French prime minister, outlined his vision of an EU-wide "economic government", harmonised business taxes and a European constitution.

The Tories claimed that M Jospin had "let the cat out of the bag" by disclosing a superstate agenda. Labour, clearly embarrassed, sought to divert attention by claiming that Mr Blair was powering towards another landslide victory on June 7 and the Conservatives were facing electoral meltdown.

At the start of the last full week of campaigning, Alastair Campbell, Mr Blair's spokesman, said that William Hague's campaign against the euro was not working and Labour was more trusted than the Conservatives on Europe. Mr Campbell said that Labour would have a "relentless focus" on the economy, public services and Mr Blair's "leadership" for the remainder of the campaign.

But M Jospin's demand for closer integration ensured that Europe and the fate of the pound dominated the agenda for the fourth day rather than Labour's planned issue of more lottery funding for disadvantaged communities.

While M Jospin said that he favoured a Europe of independent nation states and rejected the federal model proposed by Germany, he called for greater integration of economic and social policies. Unfair competition between national tax regimes was "unacceptable" and harmonising corporate taxation would eventually be needed.

He called for a "European social treaty", with labour rules at the European level, notably on lay-offs, wage policy and the quality of employment; harmonisation of criminal law; the creation of a European public prosecutor's office, and a European police force.

M Jospin said that for two years the euro had acted as a shield against international financial crises and competitive devaluations. An "economic government" was needed for the euro zone, with funds that could be used to support countries hit by world economic turmoil.

Although Labour denied that Downing Street had pleaded with Mr Jospin to delay his speech until after June 7, Mr Blair mounted a damage-limitation exercise. Interrupting his campaigning in the North-East, he said that he did not agree with harmonising taxes across Europe - and had won that argument every time it had been raised.

Gordon Brown, the Chancellor, chaired Labour's daily press conference and said that the Government was opposed to corporate tax harmonisation. "We would never support it."

The Tories however, claimed that M Jospin's vision of Europe bore out their warnings that Britain would surrender further political sovereignty if Labour won the election.

Mr Hague said M Jospin's speech was "a great embarrassment" for Labour. "They are trying to pretend that they won't give away more of the rights and powers of Britain, but they do that in every negotiation and every time they go to a European summit," he said.

He added: "They have a track record on these things over the past four years, saying 'We don't have to worry about anything', but then signing up to proposals from the French government at European summits on a regular basis."

The Tories kept up the pressure by claiming that the cost of converting to the euro could reach £36 billion - £1,500 for every houshold. Although Mr Brown rejected the figure, he refused to state what the Government believed the cost would be. Francis Maude, the shadow foreign secretary, challenged Mr Blair to guarantee that any referendum on the euro would not be rigged in favour of a Yes vote.

Mr Brown slapped down Robin Cook, the Foreign Secretary, over the terms of the question to be put in a referendum. On Sunday, Mr Cook said the question could be "Should Britain be in the single currency? - yes or no."

The Chancellor said the election campaign was not the time to speculate on the referendum question and made clear that he wanted to close the debate. Although Mr Brown mocked the Conservatives for running a "single issue" campaign on Europe, Labour went to considerable lengths to claim that the euro was not affecting the campaign.

According to Mr Campbell, Labour's private polling showed that Lady Thatcher's intervention, when she said she would never give up the pound, had been a disaster for the Tories because it showed that Mr Hague could not escape her shadow.

Labour's own opinion poll showed that it was on 46 per cent (up two), the Tories on 26 (no change) and the Liberal Democrats on 16 (up three). That would give Labour a majority of 241 compared to 179 in 1997.

-- Anonymous, May 29, 2001

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