WinOnCD 3.8 PE - Using bitmap pictures : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Can anyone confirm if the quality of the photoalbum slide picture show gets better if you use bitmap format instead of jpegs.

-- Steve Lai (, May 28, 2001


I have tried with bmps and jpegs and the bmps do have better quality since they havent been compressed. The thing I did notice is that the higher the resolution of the still images the better the final out put. In VCD encoding, picture info is lost, so if you start with higher quality, you end product is better. I tried some 5 mb bmps one time and the final out out was excellent...


-- tygrus (, May 28, 2001.

Thank you for the information. I will try it out too.

Wonder if you get a dimishing return at some point. Is it true that in VCD format, pictures are compressed from bitmap to something else or bitmap is the final form and that the slide show is just the same bitmap picture shown at 25-30 frames a second throughout the duration of the time setting per picture.

-- Steve Lai (, May 29, 2001.

Just completed my comparison using photos taken with Nikon D1x & Fuji S1Pro. Downloaded these shots fr the internet. These are very high resolution digicams. Typical sizes of these downloaded pictures - 2.5 MB for jpegs and 16.8 MB bitmap.

All these were processed in the Photoalbum facility as 345 KB dat files in the Segment.

It is pretty difficult to tell the difference between bitmap & jpeg. Perhaps it is more sensitve to resolution of the original shots taken by digicams below a particular resolution (eg below 1.5m pixels ?)

My own Nikon 990 shots (600-700KB per jpeg) do not look very different fr those taken by the professional Nikon & Fuji digicams. Perhaps there is a upper limit where you can't do much better.

Is this limit 345KB ? These is the size of jpegs taken by Nikon 950 (which has a resolution of about 2 million pixels). Any techie out there with the answer ?

-- Steve Lai (, May 29, 2001.

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