
Recent cases in the news of random attacks on high school students and children, show that each disturbed individual had a history of animal abuse. Research in psychology and criminology shows that people who commit acts of cruelty against animals often move on to their fellow humans. The following list is just a "sample" of people who first committed crimes against animals and graduated to committing crimes against humans.



"Russell Weston Jr., tortured and killed 12 cats, by burning, cutting their tails, paws, ears off; put toxic chemicals in their eyes, blinding them, forcing them to eat poison, hanging them from trees; the noose loose enough to create a slow and painful death, as the cat/kitten struggles to free itself as the noose gets tighter with each attempt. Later killed 2 officers at our Nation's Capitol."

"Jeffery Dahmer loved to dissect animals (he learned this in school). Later he dissected boys, and kept their body parts in the refrigerator. Murdered 17 men."

"On May 21, 1998 in Springfield, Oregon; 15-year-old Kip Kinkel set a live cat on fire and dragged the innocent creature through the main street of town. He walked into his high school cafeteria and opened fire on his classmates. Two classmates were killed and 22 others injured, four critically. Later that day, police found his parents shot to death in their home."

"Albert De Salvo, the "Boston Strangler," would place a dog and cat in a crate with a partition between them. After starving the animals for several days, he would remove the partition and watch them kill each other. He raped and killed 13 women by strangulation. He would often pose the bodies in a shocking manner after their murders."

"Richard Allen Davis set numerous cats on fire. He killed all of Polly Klaus' animals before abducting & murdering Polly Klaus, aged 12, from her bedroom."

"Eleven-year-old Andrew Golden, 13-year-old Mitchell Johnson, tortured and killed dogs. A friend of Golden stated that "he shoots dogs all the time with a .22." On March 24, 1998, in Jonesboro, Arkansas; Golden and Johnson shot and killed four students and one teacher during a fire drill at their school."

"Prior to commiting multiple murders, Luke Woodham, age 16, wrote in his personal journal that he and an accomplice beat, burned and tortured his dog, Sparkle, to death. Woodham said it was "true beauty." He poured liquid fuel down his dog's throat and set fire to her neck, both inside and outside. On 10/1/1977, Woodham stabbed his mother to death and then went to his high school where he shot and killed two classmates -- two girls aged 16 and 17, and injured seven others. In June 1998, Woodham was found guilty of three murders and seven counts of aggravated assault. He was sentenced to three life sentences and an additional 20 years for each assault."

"Theodore Robert Bundy was forced to witness animal cruelty by his grandfather. He later killed thirty-three women."

"Michael Cartier pulled numerous rabbit's legs out of their sockets when he was four years old and threw a kitten through a closed window. He went on to shoot Kristin Lardner three times in the head, killing her."

"Henry Lee Lucas killed numerous animals and had sex with their corpses. He killed his mother, common law wife and an unknown number of people."

"Edward Kemperer cut up two cats. He later killed his grandparents, his mother and seven other women."

"Richard Speck threw a bird into a ventilator fan. Killed eight women."

"Randy Roth taped a cat to a car's engine and used an industrial sander on a frog. Killed two of his wives and attempted to kill a third."

"David Richard Davis shot and killed two healthy ponies, threw a wine bottle at a pair of kittens and hunted with illegal methods. Murdered his wife, Shannon Mohr Davis, for insurance money."

"Peter Kurten, the Dusseldorf Monster, tortured dogs, and practiced bestiality while killing the animal. Murdered or attempted to murder over 50 men, women and children."

"Richard Trenton Chase, "The Vampire Killer of Sacramento," bit the heads off birds, drained animals for their blood, killed animals for their organs, and later killed six people in random attacks. One police officer who was at the scene of the first murder, confessed to having nightmares about the crime or months afterwards."

"The Kobe Killer, an as yet unnamed 15-year-old boy in Japan, beheaded a cat and strangled several pigeons. Decapitated 11-year-old Jun Hase, and battered to death a 10-year-old girl with a hammer, and assaulted three other children in separate attacks."

"Richard William Leonard's grandmother forced him to kill and multilate cats and kittens when he was a child. He later killed Stephen Dempsey with a bow and arrow. He also killed Ezzedine Bahmad by slashing his throat."

"Tom Dillion murdered people's pets. He shot and killed Jamie Paxton, aged 21; Claude Hawkins, aged 49; Donald Welling, aged 35; Kevin Loring, aged 30; and Gary Bradely, aged 44."

"At 9 years old, Eric Smith strangled a neighbor's cat. At 13 years old, he bludgeoned four-year-old Derrick Robie to death. Smith lured the little boy into the woods, choked him, sodomized him with a stick, then beat him to death with a rock."

"When Jack Bassenti's dog had puppies, he buried all but one of them alive. He later raped and murdered three women."

"David Berkowitz, "Son of Sam," poisoned his mother's parakeet out of jealousy. He later shot thirteen young men and women. Six people died and at least two suffered permanent disabilities."

"Arthur Shawcross repeatedly threw a kitten into a lake until the kitten drowned from exhaustion. Killed a young girl. Then, after serving 15-1/2 years in prison, he killed 11 more women."

"Michael Perry decapitated a neighbor's dog. He later killed his parents, his infant nephew and two neighbors."

"Jason Massey killed cats, dogs and cows. Killed his thirteen year old stepsister & a fourteen year old boy."

"Patrick Sherrill stole neighborhood pets and encouraged his dog to attack them. Killed 14 people at his workplace."

"Keith Hunter Jesperson, "The Happy Face Killer," strangled a cat. He is known to have killed at least one woman."

"Joel Steinburg refused medical treatment for his adopted daughter Lisa's pet rabbit when it broke its leg. He later killed her; when she was found, Lisa had extensive bruises all over her body from repeated abuse."

-- Cherri (, May 28, 2001


God woman, get a grip! Haven't you ever pulled the legs off of grasshoppers or stuck a straw up a toads ass and blowed him up with air so he can't sink and then let em have it with your old Daisy BB gun. All of us farm boys did that shit and only half of us turned out to be serial killers. You need to stay more busy cause you got to damn much free time on your hands!

-- Boswell (, May 28, 2001.

“threw a wine bottle at a pair of kittens”

A sure tip-off that a serial killer lurks within.

-- More (crap@from.cherri), May 28, 2001.

Boswell, LOL. Not only farmboys do stuff like that.

Cherri, I think serial killing has also been correlated with pyromania and being an abused child. Sad but true, but what are you going to do--lock em up before they blow away the school?

And don't forget the biggie---almost all serial killers are men.

-- Lars (, May 28, 2001.

Cherris IP is
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Record last updated on 08-May-2001.
Database last updated on 26-May-2001 22:57:19 EDT.

-- (cherri is @n .idiot), May 28, 2001.

ha ha ha aint you the smart one! Duh... You traced me down! I'm in Redwood City, California!

-- Cherri (, May 28, 2001.

You are so stupid. Redwood California is where your ISP is maintained.

-- (Cherri is @n .idiot), May 28, 2001.

I've been thinkin bout this all day and I think you might be on the right track Cherri! Muggins Fitzmorris, a kid I grew up with, put gasoline on the nuts of Mrs. Nielsons dog one time because he bit him on the knee cap. That dog ran around for an hour before he finally give out and bit the big one. Fifteen years later, Muggy shot his Mother-in-law right thru both cheeks of her ass because she would never shut up when they sat down for supper. When she got out of the hospital she moved to her own house. An end to a bad relationship! And he has always been in some kind of trouble so I think there is something to this!

-- Boswell (, May 28, 2001.

I’m no fan of Cherri’s but I believe she should be able to expect a certain degree of privacy if she so desires. Posting the IP details of folks that visit this forum is over the line. She uses a real email addy so what’s the point anyway?

-- Lay Down (on@the.couch), May 28, 2001.

Jeez, Boswell. Cin may never call you again. I think there's always been a correlation with animal cruelty and human criminality. My daughter once dated a young man who had engaged in cat-slinging in his youth. I didn't know about that history of his at the time. I only knew I liked him because he was willing to play fix-it man all the time. If my vacuum stopped working, he'd fix it. My daughter broke it off with him because he was so possessive.

When I was a kid [in the city], I saw some neighbor boys cut off the long legs of a Daddy Longleg Spider. It was pitiful to see the spider walking on those stubs. I can only hope that he/she had the ability to grow back those limbs.

OTOH, I think most of us have engaged in senseless killing of SOMETHING. I know that *I* did. I joined my boyfriend when I was about 17 in shooting rats at a railroad yard near a grainery. I also watched while a farm friend cut the legs off the frogs we'd caught and threw the bodies to the ducks. Her mom cooked up those frog legs and they DID taste like chicken.

-- Anita (, May 29, 2001.

Boswell, why do you think that it is such a strong endorsement of a person's harmlessness to say "he wouldn't hurt a fly"?

There is a continuum at work here. The fact that you and your friends casually blew up frogs with air does indicate that you are a better candidate to kill or maim another human being than the mama's boys who found such pastimes abhorrent.

The correlation would be even stronger if you and your buddies spent your carefree hours decapitating dogs or strangling cats for fun. And it would be stronger still, if you and your buddies used to gang up on other kids and physically beat them up just because it was so much fun to hurt them and see them cry.

-- Little Nipper (, May 29, 2001.

Boswell was kidding...weren't you Boswell? You were kidding, right?

-- helen (b@r.f), May 29, 2001.

Geez I sure hope all of our ISP's get posted goody goody what I am uncertain of is why there is no outcry. Cherri sorry to see you are on the receiving end of this garbage.

-- winnie the pooh (fake@email.adress), May 29, 2001.


Shooting rats, especially by a granary, and killing frogs to eat their legs, are hardly acts of senseless killing. Some would argue that the frog should be humanely dispatched before its legs are removed, but it sounds as if your farm friend wasn't trying to be cruel, just expedient.

-- J (Y2J@home.comm), May 29, 2001.

I've always told the truth and never bullshitted anybody! You ought to get slammed up against the loadin chute sometime by some ole horned cow and get your ribs busted and your crown jewels all swelled up and unrecognizable and we'll talk about cruelty to humans. Turn about fair play cause she did it on purpose and not by accident. Animals have their time with you once in a while. And if I would have had Muggins's mother-in-law for mine I probably would have shot her in the ass too! I can see that bitch now! Curlers in her hair wearin them damn Hawian flowered dresses and white Indian moccassins. Still gives me shivvers just to think about it!

-- Boswell (, May 29, 2001.

Do you think it would make it more palatable if people killed animals and called it collateral damage?

-- Afraid of J and his Militia (afraid@of.J), May 29, 2001.

People kill animals to eat em and get rid of ones we don't need. Like them damn coyotes and those goddamn bears and wolves them tree huggers want to let loose back in the Northwest. Took us 75 years to rid this country of them carnivourous bastards and now the warm and fuzzy crowd want to build back the population. That's what happens when you get a college degree! Makes you think you got it all figured out and gives you a ticket to tell others how to live. And as far as them damn Salmon go. Hell if they don't show up upstream to spawn in the Snake and Clearwater rivers and build their numbers we can always go to the damn grocery store and buy Salmon.

-- Boswell (, May 29, 2001.

My neighbor's dog liked to piss on the left rear hubcap of my new car. I couldn't get him to quit so I hooked up a 12V battery to the hubcap. That convinced him.

-- (, May 29, 2001.

I can't wait to do it to a human.

-- (, May 29, 2001.

Boswell: "People kill animals to eat em and get rid of ones we don't need."

As the young 'uns say, "Well duh!"

You are reacting as if this thread advocated some kind of PETA ethic, where every animal becomes a sacred cow and we all become vegans so as not to unduly inconvenience anything with feathers or fur.

Most people can tell the difference between the use of force against a animal for a legitimate purpose and gratuitous, senseless and purposeless cruelty. What Cherri's article was saying was not especially controversial. Pretty much all it said was a willingness to torture on a pet to death for personal amusement correlates pretty well to a willingness to torture another human to death. One is a short step from the other.

What that has to do with a cow that purposely fights back because you're forcing it up a loading chute and it doesn't want to go is not exactly clear to me. Of all the people here, you should be smart enough to know a cow can have a mind of its own and knows how to throw its weight around when it doesn't like what is happening to it. I'll bet that cow didn't win that fight, either. It just succeeded in letting you know you were in one.

I'll also bet you are more careful now than you used to be!

-- Little Nipper (, May 29, 2001.

Boswell: "People kill animals to eat em and get rid of ones we don't need."

As the young 'uns say, "Well duh!"

You are reacting as if this thread advocated some kind of PETA ethic, where every animal becomes a sacred cow and we all become vegans so as not to unduly inconvenience anything with feathers or fur.

Most people can tell the difference between the use of force against a animal for a legitimate purpose and gratuitous, senseless and purposeless cruelty. What Cherri's article was saying was not especially controversial. Pretty much all it said was a willingness to torture on a pet to death for personal amusement correlates pretty well to a willingness to torture another human to death. One is a short step from the other.

What that has to do with a cow that purposely fights back because you're forcing it up a loading chute and it doesn't want to go is not exactly clear to me. Of all the people here, you should be smart enough to know a cow can have a mind of its own and knows how to throw its weight around when it doesn't like what is happening to it. I'll bet that cow didn't win that fight, either. It just succeeded in letting you know you were in one.

I'll also bet you are more careful now than you used to be!

-- Little Nipper (, May 29, 2001.

Hell Little Nipper, I never got even with that damn cow cause I was so sore I was seein everything but reality for a whole week. You ought to try make sense of things when your balls are swelled up like rotten apples. This whole thread started out again as no one wants to take responsibility for their actions. Everybody seems to think there is a reason for something happening or tryin to find an answer when there isn't one. Just because we poured terpentine on dog's nut sacks doesn't mean we are terminal killers. Hell we used to go to the graveyard and dig up anything that was planted over 80 years just to see what degree of decomposition they were in. Some people thought that was a little strange! I kind of agreed with them after I got to thinkin about it. It always took a few Budweisers to even lift a pick and shovel and get started on one of them little projects. You always wanted to get done before dark because your imagination would start runnin away with you!

-- Boswell (, May 29, 2001.

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