Auto run CDROMS/ENHANCED CDs or : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
HiI would like to make my own ENHANCED CDs similar to the CD singles/ CD albums that I can get in UK. However, I don't want to put AUDIO TRACKS on the CDs .. just a simple menu linking to several MPEGS from the CD.
I wouldn't mind if this ends up as an autorun VCD or just autorun CDROM. The main point it wll be for PC use only, NOT DVD players.
Are there ANY software that can do this??
-- MIKE (, May 28, 2001
Please use "Macromedia Director" or "Macromedia Authorware" with an Xtra named "DirectMedia Xtra" to link to the MPEG files. Then creat a projector (to package) of your presentation.
-- Frederic (, February 26, 2002.