VCDs with menu made with NERO: how can I see the menu on PC? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread


I just made a VCD with menu using NERO.

I was wondering how can I view/use the menu on my PC. I don't have a standalone DVD or VCD player though I have a DVD-ROM. My DVD software is by ATI.

I know I can watch individual DATs with MEDIA PLAYER or the DVD software.

I also want to play each track one after another automatically witout opening a new DAT from the VCD .. a bit like DVD chapters playing one after another.

-- MIKE (, May 28, 2001


First, are you doing PAL or NTSC VCDs? If you are doing NTSC, then the menu will be useless anyway. There's a bug in the Nero vs 5.5 that causes "all" menu screens to be generated as PAL video. So while the play list items are in NTSC, the Menu is in PAL.

In an all-PAL VCD it's not a problem. Nero knows about the problem and will be fixing it with the next update.

Assuming you do have a PAL VCD then you need a VCD player of some sort. Most VCD players (software) will autostart the VCD when you plug it into your DVD Rom drive and will have a "remote pad" option available. Browse over to and you'll find lots of information and links to various VCD capable software players.

-- Rich (, May 28, 2001.

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