Memorial Day 2001 : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread

May 28, 2001 is the day set aside for national remembrance of those soldiers who paid the ultimate price for the liberties and freedoms many of us enjoy but few fully appreciate. President Bush, as is customary for US Presidents, will lay a wreath on the tomb of the "Unknown Soldier" at Arlington Cemetery to officially celebrate this important but little understood/appreciated observance. As Christians we are exhorted to engage in memorials. The Bible describes numerous memorials with Yawheh providing mnemonic aids like the unleaven bread to commemorate Israel's safe deliverance from the Death Angel or the 12 stones to commemorate safe passage across the meandering Jordan River into Canaan [Book of Joshua] or the Last Supper instituted by Christ Himself. The morality of war has been debated ad infinitum and I am not interested in rekindling those contentious arguments. What I do know, without equivocation, is the intersection of patriotism and piety coupled with US military campaigns abroad has made this country the greatest and the best country to live in the brief history of human civilization. Despite America's myraid problems past, present and future, the evidence of her greatness is an indisputable fact. The uniformed men and women who died in combat to make this possible can never be repaid commensurate with their bravery and heroism. So as many of us hit the "beaches", indulge in BBQs, kick back and become couch potatoes, let's show a modicum of thanks and appreciation with a silent prayer for the fallen soldiers, airmen and sailors and their loved ones. As Church School Superintendent I decided to revamp our 20 minute reconvening session with the playing of the Battle Hymn of the Republic, a reading of Lincoln's Gettysburg Address [greatest speech ever delivered on American soil, bar none!] and a 10 minute keynote adrress delievered by the Army ROTC Commandant of FAMU. As a church leader I recognize the importance for our youth to understand the importance of theology, history and civic responsibility. To those members of this BB whose family members are veterans I simply say THANK YOU. A wise saying to contemplate: he that forgets much remembers very little. QED

-- Anonymous, May 27, 2001


Hi Bill, It was very patriotic of you to post this message on this board. As a veteran, I feel that it is outrageous the way this country treats it active duty members and veterans. This country has been in 10 wars. The men and women of the armed forces gave their lives in these wars or suffered permanent mental and physical injury as a result of being in these wars. The U.S. government should do something at this time to honor the active duty members and veterans. It should provide some tax relief to active duty members, veterans of wars, and veterans who retired after 20 years of service. The men and women of the armed forces are vip's and should be treated as such.


-- Anonymous, May 30, 2001

On Memorial Day Sunday our preacher asked all who had served in the military to stand and be recognized. I and many others stood and it felt good. The wide age range of men and women who stood I found interesting to. Vets are part of the history of our nation.

On the way home I told my 13 year old son that what happened that morning is one reason he should seriously consider at least one hitch in one of the services. From time to time those who serve are asked to stand and be recognized and the men who can not stand always seem a little uncomfortable. I told him for what ever reason the rules are different for women but as a man he would always have a little bit of embarrassment if he could not stand at that time. Even if he had a cushy desk job in peace time and never even went over seas at least he wore the uniform and would be able to stand. I will be proud of him whatever he decides to do because he is a fine kid but I hope in a few years he takes my advice.

In Christ, Nathan Paujo

-- Anonymous, June 09, 2001

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