Manual Focusing with N80 Nikon : LUSENET : Camera Equipment : One Thread

I am a newby to photography and have bought a Nikon N80. I also bought a 24mm lens AFNikor, 28-80mm AFZoom Nikor, and a 50mm NikorAF. My question is concerning changing to manual focus. I don't want to break anything so can I move the focus ring without messing up the lens by going to manual..dumb question right? But I can't find anything in my manual that talks about this and just doing it and being 50% wrong is all the way wrong...... HELP!! Thanks in advance


-- James M. Cooke (, May 27, 2001


On the front of the N80, beneath the lens release button, there's a focus mode selector (C,S,M). The auto focus modes C (continuous) and S (single) are marked in white, the manual focus mode (M) is just a black outline. Turn it to M, and you'll notice that the focus ring of the lenses now wil turn freely.


-- Peter van de Haar (, May 28, 2001.

Don’t Nikon distribute instruction manual with their cameras anymore???

-- Jim Bridges (, May 28, 2001.

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