Georgia/South Carolina : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread |
I would like to know if the Central of Georgia is the train that ran between Charleston,SC and Augusta, Ga.between 1900 and 1910? I am looking for information on the train that ran between or near those areas doing that time. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
-- Maranda Mazyck (, May 27, 2001
Although the train in question was probably operated by the Southern Railway, the C&WC Rwy (successor to the PR&A in the answer above)at one time operated a train between Yemassee SC and Charleston SC via the Atlantic Coast Line's mainline. No dates of operation have surfaced yet, but two former ACL employees have confirmed that the train utilized C&WC equipment. In later years after this arrangement ended, passengers simply transferred from C&WC trains at Yemassee to board an ACL train to complete the trip to Charleston. Hope this helps.
-- Buddy Hill (, May 28, 2001.
As Greg already answered, it was not the Central of Georgia operating between Charleston, SC and Augusta, Georgia. However, the Central Rail Road and Banking Company, the predecessor of the Central of Georgia, did operate some lines in South Carolina. In 1881, the CRR&B acquired a controlling interest in the Port Royal & Augusta, which was operated as the "South Carolina Division." Part of its purpose was to divert rail traffic which originated in the interior of South Carolina, from the port of Charleston to the Port of Savannah. However, around 1892, the State of South Carolina enacted laws which restricted "foreign" ownership of companies in that state, thereby forcing the CRR&B to divest itself of its South Carolina holdings.
-- Allen Tuten (, May 28, 2001.
Maranda: The railroad line connecting Augusta GA & Charleston SC during the time frame that you mention was the 'Southern Railway'. (The Central of Georgia Railway never had trackage in SC.)If you are looking for info on a specific Southern Railway passenger train that operated at that time, you might want to contact the Southern Ry Historical Assoc., PO Box 33, Spencer, N.C. 28159.
-- Greg Hodges (, May 28, 2001.