GARDENING - Flowering shrubs--waterfalls of : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread |
ET - Plant sheer waterfalls of colour - (Filed: 26/05/2001)As a source of colour and fragrance, flowering shrubs cannot be beaten. Val Bourne offers a selection of her favourites
MAY is the "gap" month. Most spring bulbs (except the late tulip) have finished, yet it is still several weeks before the main flush of perennials gets under way. As the cherry blossom fades, other flowering trees and shrubs take its place. Some provide heavenly scent, others are studded with flowers on bare branches, and a few have willowy wands of flowers which swirl gracefully in the breeze. The following are some of my favourites.
Flowering favourite: Lilacs are a bonus to any border
Many of the cultivars of common lilac come from France. Most were raised between 1876 and 1953 by Victor and Emile Lemoine, a father-and-son partnership from Nancy in France. There are early, mid and late varieties, with colours that range from pure white to lavender, purple and red-purple. Lilacs make fabulous cut-flowers, their appearance enhanced by heart-shaped green leaves.
Victor Lemoine worked with many plants, including peonies, but did not begin hybridising lilacs until he was 47. When his eyesight failed, his younger wife carried on the work of transferring pollen from one flower to another. Madame Lemoine was rewarded for her efforts when a double white lilac named after her appeared in 1890.
Recommended cultivars 'Madame Lemoine' has fresh green leaves and soft-white, double flowers which are perfect for cutting and make this an excellent mid-season white. `Katherine Havemeyer' is a dark purple-lavender with compact, squat panicles and is said to have the best fragrance.
Cultivation tip Tolerant of pollution, poor soil and easy to grow. Go for ungrafted plants to avoid suckering. Should suckering occur, remove with a spade.
Tree peony
The Lemoine family bred tree peonies by crossing the Japanese varieties with P. lutea to introduce yellow into the colour range. These decorative plants have been grown in oriental gardens for more than 1,000 years, and they produce freesia-scented flowers and divided foliage.
The Japanese varieties are slow-growing grafted trees, which reach 6ft. The Chinese peonies make suckering shrubs which are sold as divisions. Both are expensive but hardy, easy, long-lived and they make good specimen plants.
Recommended free-flowering cultivars 'Mrs William Kelway' is a superb Japanese-style tree peony with semi-double to double, warm-white flowers against dark foliage. It can reach 5ft.
'Yachiyo-tsubaki' is a free-flowering, dependable coral-pink tree peony with large flowers around the top of the bush and by smoky-bronze foliage. Flowers when very young.
Cultivation tip Tree peonies grow well in containers as long as soil-based compost is used, not peat. Add a dressing of slow-release blood, fish and bone or rose fertiliser in autumn and a touch of Growmore in spring.
In a garden, they demand fertile soil, reasonable drainage and a sheltered position out of the morning sun - it can damage the flowers.
God scent: Buddleia is a graceful shrub
The most often grown buddleia is B. davidii - a late-summer feast of nectar-rich flowers borne on a long raceme. One early-summer performer is the slender B. alternifolia - a large, graceful shrub bearing gently swaying willow-wands (up to a yard long) encircled by small flowers .
Farrer, who reintroduced this plant in the early 1900s, described it as "sheer waterfalls of soft purple". Though more difficult to establish than its commoner cousin, it is a glorious, honey-scented performer.
Cultivation tip Ideally suited to a well-drained, sheltered site and good at cascading over walls. Can also be trained into a standard tree.
Judas tree
The bare branches of Cercis siliquastrum, commonly called the Judas tree, are swamped in purple-pink flowers just as the leaves are beginning to emerge. Although legend claims that Judas hanged himself from this tree, many others - including the aspen - also bear the name. It does, however, grow all over Judea.
This lover of well-drained soil is one of several leguminous trees (with pea-shaped flowers) and is often wall-trained. It can form a small, rounded tree in sheltered, sunny places and is much tougher than it looks.
Cultivation tip
A sunny, well-drained site against a wall will encourage this tree to flower in late spring and early summer. Though it looks quite delicate, it is surprisingly hardy and remarkably tolerant of poor soil.
Acacia Acacias, or mimosas, are also members of the pea family, but can be grown only in warm climates. Most will not tolerate limy soil, but one Australian species, A. retinodes, is more tolerant and can be grown in very temperate areas. The grey-green leaves are very willow-like and the pale-yellow pompom flowers appear in early summer.
Cultivation tip One of the hardiest acacias, yet still in need of a frost-free place.
When is a syringa not a syringa?
There has always been confusion about the name syringa. It comes from the Greek syrinx, meaning pipe. The philadelphus (or "mock orange"), introduced at roughly the same time, was used for pipe-making - as was lilac. Some people still refer, incorrectly, to the philadelphus as syringa. The word "lilac" is derived from the Arabic laylak, meaning blue flower. Persian lilac (Syringa x persica) was widely grown in the ancient gardens of India and known as blue jasmine.
-- Anonymous, May 27, 2001