Pearl Harbor the movie... : LUSENET : The Christian Church : One Thread

I have not seen the movie, but would be interested in your reviews. By the way, I found a Christian internet goldmine concerning this type of subject. Visit: and you will be blown away by the detailed Christian reviews, particularly if you are a parent.

-- Anonymous, May 26, 2001


I will absolutely not see the movie as it was nothing but pure revisionist history in the genre of true Hollywood elitist liberal fashion.

The fact is the movie was re-edited twice because...."The Japanense did not want to be pictured as the bad guys."

Give me break!!

I'm my book an imperialistic attempt to take over the world qualifies as being "the bad guys." Add to that the cold blooded murder of Pearl Harbor.

I concur with the feelings about Tora, Tora, Tora. An outstanding movie. My favorite line in the movie is the end when the commander says...."I only fear that we have awaken the sleeping giant."

You sure did!!

BTW.....this movie went to undergird my heighted disdain for the liberal, Hollywood elitist. How can Christian people continue to support an industry whose end is the destruction of anything decent, honorable, and true???

I may very well have spent my last dollar earlier this year at the movie theater.

-- Anonymous, May 29, 2001

Sorry Michael.....Star Wars never did it for me.

Now another Star Trek movie....I'll buy the popcorn then. ha!!

-- Anonymous, May 30, 2001

Fortunatetly....the movie bombed (no pun intended) at the box office.....and it appears Disney is going to lose millions.

GREAT!! That's what happens when you rewrite history in the name of PC!!!

Couldn't have happend to a better group of folks than Disney!

-- Anonymous, June 25, 2001

And historically....the Japanese were the bad guys!!

-- Anonymous, June 25, 2001

Being the son of a survivor, I will most definitely be going to see it. I'll let you know what I thought of it. :)

-- Anonymous, May 26, 2001

Believe it or not, I would like to see it as well.

-- Anonymous, May 26, 2001

9 parts Hollywood, 1 part History. The movie is only a pretext to a love story. If you want to see a REALLY REALLY good movie, go rent HEAVENLY CREATURES by Peter Jackson. Then tell me what you think!

-- Anonymous, May 26, 2001

Personally, I still think "Tora! Tora! Tora!" was the best Pearl Harbor movie ever made.

-- Anonymous, May 27, 2001


I agree with you, 'Heavenly Creatures' is a great movie, and based on fact as well.

-- Anonymous, May 27, 2001

Now we're talking REAL love story!

-- Anonymous, May 27, 2001

What rating is Heavenly Creatures?

-- Anonymous, May 28, 2001

Too much "Hype" & Hollywood in this one.

I was rather disappointed. If I wanted a love story, I would have gone to see one. If I go to see a War Story, I want bullets, bombs, & history.....and there was way too few of these to make this worth the hype.

"The Bat" is right again on this one........go get a copy of "Tora, Tora, Tora" if you want to see the account as it was. Then top it off with a copy of "Midway" to get a good feel for the combat tactics and the sometimes "sheer luck" that it took to bring victory out of the disaster of Pearl Harbor.

-- Anonymous, May 29, 2001

A terrific double feature, Mark!

-- Anonymous, May 29, 2001


I'm sorry I don't know what rating 'Heavenly Creatures' is.

-- Anonymous, May 29, 2001

Surely'll go and see Star Wars Episode 2 when it is released next Memorial Day weekend in 2002?

-- Anonymous, May 30, 2001


Star Trek, the Next, NEXT Generation...................

"the story of a bunch of old, grayheaded (in Scott's case, bald- headed) preachers sitting on the broken-down Bridge of the Enterprise swapping hunting stories and the tales of the ones (souls) that got away......"

maybe it will play in Peoria?

-- Anonymous, May 30, 2001

A Klingon would whoop a Wookie, make him 'em shake like a chihuahua and he'd eat Yoda in a single bite as an appetizer. The Borg would assemilate the so-called Empire and the Millennium Falcon would be sold cheap for parts if there was anyone that desperate or, more likely, used for target practice for the latest targeting system on the 1701E.

Let's see what a light saber does against a phaser.

And talk about getting old, have you seen Hans Solo lately? How 'bout Leia? eh???? There probably about your age, aren't they Wiz?

The bald remark, well, all I can say is that some of the best looking people I know are balding, right Mike?

-- Anonymous, May 30, 2001

Oh Lord, Scott.

I sure hope they're not my age........I wouldn't wish that on anyone! :~)

As far as hair.....look at the bright least you'll always be able to moonlight as "Mr. Clean"...;~)

(And I never have to ask for the salt & pepper anymore....I carry it with me on top of my head).

-- Anonymous, May 31, 2001

The moment you've all been waiting for ... sorta...

Ok, I've seen the movie. Actually I saw it a couple of weeks ago. I'm still letting what I saw process before I make any comments. I saw some good in it and some bad in it. I'll eventually get around to writing an article on it, so stay tuned, same bat time, same bat channel ...

-- Anonymous, June 13, 2001

I agree with Micheal "Tora Tora Tora" & "Midway" are far superior even in special effects! The animation inserts have a feel that is right the special effects in "Peral Harbor" tho' perhaps physically & technically better... just did not produce an accurate feel.

-- Anonymous, June 25, 2001

Ok ... Some observations. First of all ... who the heck came up with the names? They sounded like they were pulled from paperback romance novels. I mean how many "Rafe McAllister"s do you know?

Historically there were problems with the movie. American military personnel did not serve in Europe prior to December 7th. Roosevelt never drew attention to his paralysis to make a point. (This was one of those "it should have happened this way" scenes.) Ace fighter pilots would not have been reassigned to bomber duty. And Doolittle was a humble, Godfearing man who never once cussed, according to all accounts. (It could have been worse; originally they wanted to portray him as a course, beer-drinking, "Pappy Boyington" type.)

Cinematography-wise the movie left a lot to be desired. The huge scope of the disaster was lost as the action seemed to center around four ships parked side by side (which looked for all the world like lifeless giant cardboard cutouts). The tragic bombing of the Arizona was treated as a rollercoaster thrill ride. The only part of the movie I thought was well done was the capsizing of the Oklahoma, which captured the fear of the moment, and the heroic actions of Dorey Miller.

Morally this was perhaps one of the most disgusting movies of recent memory. Boy meets girl, boy seemingly dies, girl jumps in the sack of boy's best friend, boy comes back, messy love triangle ensues, girl announces she is pregnant by best friend, loves boy but will marry best friend, best friend dies and boy finally gets girl. I guess you can't expect unsaved people to behave in a morally responsible manner, or even understand what being morally responsible means. But still ... Well at least it wasn't set in modern times, or they would have gotten rid of the kid with an abortion or RU-486. And at least the boy married the girl and responsibly raised the kid as his own in the end.

Religious-wise ... this movie was a paradox. In the midst of all of this bizarre love triangle mess, there were several scenes of people showing great faith. People going to church regularly, people praying and asking for others to pray for them. I think one of the most powerful scenes was when a badly burned man lay dying in the hospital, and a priest prayed over him. (Ok, one big complaint: How come every time religion is shown in a movie, it is always invariably only Catholicism that is shown?) As the man died, the priest told him that soon he would go into the blessed peace of God and be numbered with the saints. "Rafe" looked on in a look of both horror and amazement, knowing that could be him there dying, that for some reason he was spared yet again, and not understanding the peace that finally overcame the dying man's expression when he expired, realizing he neither had nor comprehended this man's "blessed hope".

-- Anonymous, June 25, 2001

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