Where can i get Xmen vs Streetfighter rom? has anyone got it?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread

i cant find the rom xmen vs streetfighter someone help its called xmvsf.zip but i cant find one that will download

-- tim rogers (timrogers24@hotmail.com), May 26, 2001


You're the same guy that e-mailed me about this, aren't you? ROM begging is generally frowned upon, so I'll say this only once. http://www.mame.dk/

-- Barry Rodewald (bsr@hnpl.net), May 26, 2001.

http://translate.google.com/translate_c? hl=en&u=http://www.kultspiele.net/xmvsf.htm

-- Will (bigwilliestyles@zfree.co.nz), January 06, 2002.

mame.dk is shut down now try morpheus or kazza

-- kevin (kevhowe@yahoo.com), May 12, 2002.

why don't you go to www.google.com and do a search on the game

-- deven chapman (lil_sayaman@yahoo.com), June 08, 2003.

well, try www.web-emulation.com . It's a french site but you can find the X-men vs. Street fighter rom there.

-- Daniel Luna (kaede_seiryu@yahoo.com.br), July 19, 2003.

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