Caption : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
-- Cherri (, May 26, 2001
What's that?I dropped the infant? Jesus freaking Christ, I hate when that happens.
-- (pinhe@d.detector), May 26, 2001.
"The reason my face is permanently stuck in this grimace position is because I have a severe case of hemorrhoids from sitting on my fat ass being a tyrannical dictator all of my life, but that's not important right now... everyone is going to die unless we build at least a million new power plants!"
-- Dickhead (you MUST make my friends richer @ or. else), May 26, 2001.
Aaaaaaagk . . . huuuuuuuuuk . . . uhhhhhhhhh . . . MY HEART!!!!!
-- Already Done Happened (, May 26, 2001.
hurl barf puke. sick.
-- on that (, May 26, 2001.
“What in the hell is THAT?” “Her name is 'Cherri' you say?” “Good lord, that is the most grotesque female human that I’ve ever seen. It makes you want to retch just to look at her. Can’t really blame her for being such a negative stupid bitch.”
-- One (butt@ugly.hog), May 26, 2001.
See this Gray? This is how big my dick is and I'm gonna stick it up your ass unless you pray! eh, I mean pay!
-- We are not done (, May 26, 2001.
Cherri really set herself up for that one.
-- liddady (, May 27, 2001.
liddady, That "shit" don't bother me none, I'm grown and beyond the stage where baseless insults by people mentally inferior to me have the ability to injure my sense of self worth. Some of these insults remind me of insecure pubescent teens and tweens who's only sense of self worth is so fragile they know to build themselves up is by attempting to belittle others. Most people, even children, can see through this action for what it really is. Kinda sad, these people spewing insults at others don't even seem to realize they are seen by the majority for the sad, pathetic, self loathing, insecure, immature people they really are.I don't mind setting myself up, I do it with friends and long time adversaries every once in a while. Those lowlife scum posts usually don't rate more than a first glance.
What really tells a lot about a person posting is when they are so overly concerned about the superficial details of other posters. You can almost tell that they depend on superficial things to validate themselves, they are uncomfortable not knowing material details of other posters which they usually use to make judgments in person. Lacking the ability to judge others on their words and needing superficial "clues" to categorize people is a result of being controlled by the materialistic commercial media which almost dictates that what you have, how you conform to their narrow view of beauty, is more important than the person you are inside. Such huge amounts of money is spent telling people how to think that it sometimes takes years of adulthood to realize what the really important things in life are. Which usually turn out to be the things they are trying to convince you into buying into. Fortunately children are now being taught not to fall for this superficial BS. Unfortunately, some adults still haven't. Too bad, but their own problem.
-- Cherri (, May 27, 2001.
Not the things they are trying to get you to buy into... geeze
-- Cherri (, May 27, 2001.
President Bush would probably have the same thing to say about you.
-- Think About It (, May 27, 2001.
"God damn that fucking Jeffords, I'd like to kill that son of a bitch. %#*%#$@! Now I'll never get all of my power plants. Grrrrrrr *&^$#@^*!!! Son of a bitch, I think I'm having another code blue!!"
-- Major League Dick (chronically pissed off @ never once. smiled), May 27, 2001.
That was not me who farted at the Cabinet meeting, Mr President. I think it was Ms Chao. It smelled Chinese.
-- (Paracelsus@Pb.Au), May 27, 2001.
"Guuuuggg guuuggggaaaga guuuugagagag gugggaauauuaggga guuugg POWER PLANTS, guuugggurruaa gggurrruuuggggaa gguggaah POWER PLANTS, gguuurrhhu guuurruggaaah...."
-- this is a recording (i am a robot @ programmed. to mumble forever), May 27, 2001.
“My God, I’m trying not to stare and I’m trying to avoid commenting on Cherri’s superficial details, but look at the size of that woman. I understand that she actually used to go up on Air Force flights over thirty years ago. I don’t think we currently have any known aircraft assets that could handle her payload.”
-- One (butt@ugly.hog), May 27, 2001.
why why WHY do you say such horribly shitty things to people. What the hell is wrong with you. Do you actually get pleasure out of this? Could you possibly have a normal life? Are you a happy person? Or are you a miserable wretch? Are you this way in person? How the hell is a person like you created. I mean... REALLY.What's your story?
-- (cin@cin.cin), May 27, 2001.
cin, like said above,That "shit" don't bother me none, I'm grown and beyond the stage where baseless insults by people mentally inferior to me have the ability to injure my sense of self worth. Some of these insults remind me of insecure pubescent teens and tweens who's only sense of self worth is so fragile they know to build themselves up is by attempting to belittle others. Most people, even children, can see through this action for what it really is. Kinda sad, these people spewing insults at others don't even seem to realize they are seen by the majority for the sad, pathetic, self loathing, insecure, immature people they really are. I don't mind setting myself up, I do it with friends and long time adversaries every once in a while. Those lowlife scum posts usually don't rate more than a first glance. What really tells a lot about a person posting is when they are so overly concerned about the superficial details of other posters. You can almost tell that they depend on superficial things to validate themselves, they are uncomfortable not knowing material details of other posters which they usually use to make judgments in person. Lacking the ability to judge others on their words and needing superficial "clues" to categorize people is a result of being controlled by the materialistic commercial media which almost dictates that what you have, how you conform to their narrow view of beauty, is more important than the person you are inside. Such huge amounts of money is spent telling people how to think that it sometimes takes years of adulthood to realize what the really important things in life are. Which usually turn out not to be the things they are trying to convince you into buying into. Fortunately children are now being taught not to fall for this superficial BS. Unfortunately, some adults still haven't. Too bad, but their own problem.This person obviously thinks that assuming I am (by their description) fat, I am insulted by it's words. I'm not. Because I haven't denied "it's" assumption, "it" feels it is safe to assume "it" is correct. *laugh*. Normal biology would suggest that with age, my metabalism would change to the point where I would agin weight. So what if it did? Or didn't? The need for this pathetic person to label people so it can use that label to degrade them is just that, pathetic. And yes, within that person is a fractured ego, unable to be accept itself, using childish crutches to satisfy it's insecure neds. Sounds like a personal problem to me, one "it" will have to live and deal with itself.
-- Cherri (, May 27, 2001.
Cherri thinks she doing a service to humanity to invite others to make fun of someone with heart problems. I don't think she has a miserable life, she just lacks the discernment to tell differentiate between real news and political propaganda. I imagine in real life she is actually a nice person.
-- Cherri must have actually been a doomer, now she is trying to get rid of her SPAM. LOL! (jammin@with.jammy), May 27, 2001.
Cin, I realized you were talking about the person who insulted Cherri in a vulgar fashion. I just hope Cherri realizes that her incessant insults against any politician who disagrees with her politics is getting old quick.
-- jammy (jammin@with.jammy), May 27, 2001.
"I just hope Cherri realizes that her incessant insults against any politician who disagrees with her politics is getting old quick."After 8+ years of Clinton-bashing the bottom-feeding Repugligoon scumbags never realized it, so why should she?
-- it's payback time :-) (we're just @ getting. warmed up!), May 27, 2001.
Oh the Repukelikans were good at it too. I'm not getting down on Cherri's politics, I'm getting down on her SPAM. Tastes bad in a can, but worse on the internet. LOL!
-- jammy (jammin@with.jammy), May 27, 2001.
This is just another in a long line of simplistic ‘bashing’ threads started by Cherri. Seems we can count on many of them everyday, for the most part cut-n-paste jobs. All have pretty much the same theme…..crap on the Republicans and ‘lets make fun’ of the Bush team.On this thread, Cherri asks us to ‘caption’ a picture of our countries Vice President, looking for a steady stream of ridicule towards a man of high achievement and a lifetime of public service. However, she finds that not everyone is as simple minded as herself and the ridicule rebounds back in her own direction. Ya gotta love it!
So Cherri, as one who dishes it out on a regular basis you’ll have to learn to take it occasionally.
And Cin, you need not go out of your way to remind us of your overwhelming ignorance.
-- Had (enough@of.Cherri), May 27, 2001.
You've got to hand Cherri one thing though - she is tenacious. She makes the tax spammers, Lady Logic, ceeper, and even AINT look lazy. She is a woman on a mission and she won't let up.
-- YOU GO GIRL (GIVE@YOUR.ALL), May 27, 2001.
I want to make it clear, I am not getting down on Cherri, I am getting down on her SPAM.
-- jammy (jammin@with.jammy), May 28, 2001.
SPAM like a fool,become the fool.
-- Just (plain@nd.simple), May 28, 2001.
It's just that so much informationis coming out that doesn't get told in the mainstream press that people have a right to see it. Ok, ok, I'll open up a forum to post what I find...geeze.
-- Cherri (, May 28, 2001.
Sounds like the Rush Limbaugh show. I guess its easier to believe the misinformation and half truths if they happen to fit your own beliefs.
-- Cherri, you spread misinformation also (, May 28, 2001.
Gee, where were all of you who are so concerned about the "spam" when Ain't was on a rampage? Funny but I don't remember seeing any of the losers complaining about that.
-- (are_they@ll.assholes), May 28, 2001.
Aint was roundly criticized for spamming the forum. Although it seemed that the posters to the left did most of the criticizing, while with Cherri, it is the posters to the right. Now run along, Sesame Street will be on in a couple of minutes.
-- king spaz (sp@z.king), May 28, 2001.
I'm way more liberal than Cherri, but I didn't feel that either she or Ain't were "spamming" this forum. I DID admonish Al-D at one time because he was presenting three-four threads/day on his belief system. It didn't bother me that he started so many threads so much as I felt that he should know that his message was getting diluted by the constant repetition. I felt the same way about the Andy Ray threads and the Atheist Corner threads.
-- Anita (, May 29, 2001.