Spooky, the ten toed kitty in the garden path

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this is the last post tonight, see ya tomorrow.

-- Anonymous, May 26, 2001


most things load instantly for me. Except for Greenspun....

-- Anonymous, May 26, 2001

In my town we have strict cat zoning laws. Black cats on the east side, Black & Whites on the west side. Not sure where Spooky would be relegated.

-- Anonymous, May 26, 2001

Look at the size of those feet!

The old black stray let me pull three ticks off his ears today and talked to me several times--those chirruping sounds, ya know? I found out his tail is badly kinked in the middle--it must have been broken. He hates catnip and runs off when he smells it. Hmm. Maybe he's a right-wing Republican. He's beginning to look younger as he fills out and his coat gets glossy. Needs to be fixed, too.

He needs a name. Lucky comes to mind but it's not original enough. Maybe Mojo. . .

-- Anonymous, May 27, 2001

MoJo is good, or cappicheno (misspelled,I know, am tired!)

-- Anonymous, May 27, 2001


Vulcan, it means "What is, is."

-- Anonymous, May 27, 2001

He will have to be an outside cat. I am not going to stand at the door and call this animal in Vulcan, nor am I going to holler "Cappucino" with so many yuppies not too far away--there'd be a line at the door, lol.

Shame on me, I think I decided on Mojo when I typed it up there. I hate it when people ask for suggestions when they've already got their minds made up, don't you?

-- Anonymous, May 27, 2001

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