Garden ...herbal : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread |
one of the herbal junglesOK git, you are welcome to come "harvest", there is more then enough to share.
-- Anonymous, May 26, 2001
Might want to wait till the "buds" mature...
-- Anonymous, May 26, 2001
the lemon balm I havest all season long, the more you cut it back, the more it grows, I dry it for teas, and medicials......did you know smoking dried lemon balm is a nice mellow...and it is legal. only we don't smoke . (If you let it flower, the teas aren't as lemony.) the lavender is just about to flower, the sage is ready to make smuge sticks, and the yarrow is about to flower. the bricks are actually yellow, as in the Yellow brick road, only you can tell from these pics.
-- Anonymous, May 26, 2001
I still say it looks like a pot plant...Don't smoke anymore, but make lots of brownies, heh?
-- Anonymous, May 26, 2001
I had funny" brownies once...was not a good thing...I got up and the room moved, and I wore the toilet seat like a crown for awhile......course every one else thought it was funny!!!! (as I had NEVER touched anything...ever "like that!"I just posted another pic there, and one in the cafe.
-- Anonymous, May 26, 2001
I got up and the room moved, and I wore the toilet seat like a crown for awhileWow! You too?
Great garden. Best time to harvest lilac for drying is just before the buds start to open. You can find tiny muslin drawstring bags, meant for loose tea, at health food places and they're ideal to make small, inexpensive sachets that can be refilled next year. Slip one or two in your pillow--mmmm!
I've got salad burnet this year and am really enjoying its mild cucumber taste in salads. The small, round serrated leaves are so pretty too.
Yes, I'd love to help you harvest! I'll have bunches of herbs drying soon--I can do it in the kitchen because I don't create much steam in there.
-- Anonymous, May 27, 2001
I dry them on racks, and give as gifts , or take the prettiest bunches and arrange them in pretty wicker baskets strew here or there... and I keep all "safe" things in a basket for the kitties to nibble on.
-- Anonymous, May 27, 2001