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New Website and Merchandise Promotes Positive Portrayal of President George W. Bush's Nickname of 'Dubya'

Denton, Texas Start-Up Company Promotes Good Name of President Bush By Embracing His Nickname as a Balance to the Opponents Who Have Used 'Dubya' As A Derogatory Term

DENTON, Texas, May 25 /PRNewswire/ -- Dubyastuff.com announced today the introduction of its brand new website and merchandise featuring positive and humorous uses of President George W. Bush's nickname. Often called, "W" by his opponents during the Presidential campaign, the Democrats referred to then Mr. Bush as "W" or "Dubya" as an insult or to portray him as a lesser version of his father, President George Bush, Sr. Steven Parks, of Denton, got the idea when travelling to Crawford, Texas, where President Bush has his home. He noticed T-shirts and other items for sale in the local convenience store. After extensive research on the Internet, he found that most merchandise for sale was mostly on so-called Democratic websites and painted the term "Dubya" as a joke or as a put-down term.

"Dubya is not THEIR term, it is OURS."

So, Steven thought that one should embrace the term, "Dubya" as a positive representation of President Bush and claim the term as "ours not theirs." Dubyastuff.com has developed a line of products from T-shirts, bumper stickers, hats, coffee mugs, etc. using funny lines about "Dubya" but always in an affectionate sense. You know Texans have been known for many years for their unique way of saying things. They not only acknowledge that, they are sort of proud of it. So, in reference to "Dubya", here are some things they might say, for example:

Texans Love Dubya
Native Dubya
Me and Dubya are Texans
Dubya is From Texas ... He Did NOT Get Had By No CHAD!
If You Don't Like Dubya ... .Take I-35 North And Keep Going!
Texas and Dubya ... As Good As It Gets
And more ...

Dubyastuff.com will be fully operational by June 1 and the public can buy products directly through a secure order form available on-line. Quantity discounts, fund raising programs, custom designs, and more good "Dubya" stuff is coming soon. For more information, call Steven Parks at 940.387.2472 or go to http://www.dubyastuff.com. This is a private, commercial venture and is not affiliated with any political party or organization. The designs of these products are copyrighted.

-- Anonymous, May 25, 2001

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