Where is ...greenspun.com : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread |
Jen Wade? Jen, where did your journal go? I haven't been able to load it for weeks.Any other journalers MIA?
-- Anonymous, May 25, 2001
Okay, never mind. I just got in. Should have tried again before I posted.As you were.
-- Anonymous, May 25, 2001
I've been on hiatus anyway. You didn't miss anything.
-- Anonymous, May 25, 2001
Hemingway said, "Anybody who was any good, who wasn't a rummy, finally made it. Except Ezra Pound."He did not say, "Or William Carlos Williams."
I was away for six months, and nobody missed me.
I'm back. Stealth novelist.
Makes you timid about announcing yourself. Like, who cares?
-- Anonymous, May 26, 2001
Um, Tracy Lee? She had something going for a while, and then it just kind of ended. I always liked her stuff.And I'm considering writing my Congressman to get a law passed that requires Kim Rollins to put something online. A sort of "Draft Rollins" campaign.
- H
-- Anonymous, May 29, 2001
Molly Zero. I know, I read the other thread - but I want it back online. I am a selfish reader.
-- Anonymous, May 29, 2001
I wish "erm" would update more often. And I want to know what happened with Kristin and the Red Campaign!!
-- Anonymous, May 29, 2001
Does "erm" have a new url? Seems like she changed address last fall or winter and I lost track of her. Then I lost all my bookmarks anyway. Still haven't gotten everything back.
-- Anonymous, May 31, 2001
Erm can now be found at http://www.sbsb.supanet.com/ though she doesn't update very often- t
-- Anonymous, May 31, 2001
Stewart at sylloge.net and Greg at eod.com both recently went into hibernation. Two of the best written personal sites out there. Aaaggghhh!!!
-- Anonymous, June 03, 2001
I wish 'the intern' would return. After about 1.5 years gone I doubt it will happen though.
-- Anonymous, June 06, 2001
The only problem with the intern returning is that he isn't an intern anymore. An intern is a first-year medical resident. G's in his very last month of residency. (and thank goodness!) He has a different URL now. (One of four he's occupied in the last four years.) I'm not sure how he'd feel about me advertising his whereabouts, but why not write him and ask?
-- Anonymous, June 06, 2001
Anybody know what happened to Clio of The Clio Chronicles? She also used to keep the Memoir journal ring, and Connected Recollections. She was keeping a wedding log last October, and then just disappeared. At first I thought she was just busy with the new life, but she still hasn't updated, even to say she's no longer updated.Anybody know anything?
-- Anonymous, June 16, 2001