"Show me the freeware that can make a VCD out of MPEG Files"greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I am a novice...please help me to make a VCD from MPEG files. I wonder what is a DAT file. Is it really a MPEG file? How a MPEG file can be converted into .DAT file. I have a HP 8200 CD Writer and I use the ADAPTEC Software coming along with it. I did not see any option in it leading to making VCDs. When I explored VCDs, I used to see several folders apart from the MPGAV folder. How are they created? Or will the VCD Creating software itself will do the job? WHICH IS THE FREEWARE THAT I CAN MAKE A VCD OUT OF MPEG FILES, so that I can play it on my JVC VCD player ? Please guide me.
-- Adv. Ranjith Xavier (ranjithxavier@hotmail.com), May 25, 2001
There is no freeware to burn MPEG as VCD. Adaptec Easy CD Creator version 4 or below does not support VCD while version 5 does (and it cost you to upgrade) Try Nero for free (30 days trial)
-- ktnwin (ktnwin@excite.com), July 24, 2001.
I use Easy CD Creator 4.0 and it does indeed support the creation of VCD's. I had 3.5 deluxe prior to it...it also supported it.
-- Estranged (estranged15@home.com), December 29, 2001.
Try using Nero you can find the serial number using google. Nero it's very easy to use, just select the wizard, and drag your MPG File to another window, select an image for background or your menu, and burn it !!I have the MPG-2 Plug In, and wors very good.
-- Javier (raveloj@hotmail.com), April 16, 2002.
You can use Nticdmaker. I belive it is good for 10 days only. I also belive you might have to convert your mpegs to vcd standard before you use it, but i could be wrong. check it out at:http://www.nticdmaker.com/
-- ~m (mtekayo@yahoo.com), April 16, 2002.
I used Nero 6 Express to burn a VCD ,but it's useless, it notices errors.First ,I used #1 Video Converter to convert my video files to VCD format(NTSC)mpeg-1 ,and used Nero wizard to drag them to burn ,but it notice errors.May Someone tell me the reason why? Thanks a lot!
-- Kien (daica_bo130@yahoo.com), January 21, 2005.
If use Nero to burn a VCD then you need to make a menu for it. Just go through the users guide of Nero you can find, how to make a menu for making a vcd.
-- A. K. Patri (arunapatri@rediffmail.com), February 23, 2005.