POL - "Judas Jeffords" (Vermont Op-Ed)

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Caledonian-Record, St. Johnsbury, Vermont


Mark M. Smith, Publisher
Ellie Dixon, Managing Editor

May 24, 2001
Judas Jeffords

We told you so.

U.S. Sen. James Jeffords is a schmuck and we've told you so all along. Vermont's bogus Republican has come out of the closet and confirmed that for the past 27 years he has grossly misled voters in the Green Mountain State.

For years, hard-working, well-intentioned Vermonters checked the Republican box on good faith that he actually believed in the values of the party.

Jeffords an Independent?

It was B.S. then, and it's B.S. now.

There is nothing independent about Jeffords. For years he has been a closet liberal hiding behind the skirts of conservative party affiliation.

Now, he has come out of the closet. Unfortunately, he hasn't come clean.

Were Jeffords being honest, he would have at least switched to the Democratic party. But no, just as he has for nearly three decades, Jeffords has chosen the dishonest course for both himself and the voters.

Jim Jeffords is no more an Independent than his colleague, Rep. Bernie Sanders. He will continue to hold the party line -- the Democratic party line -- in the Senate, all the while painting himself a moderate.

Which of these names does not belong in this grouping? (a) Thaddeus Stevens; (b) George Aiken; (c) Jim Jeffords.

Answer: (c) Jim Jeffords.

Stevens, a representative of Pennsylvania, and Aiken were both independent-minded Vermonters of principle and stature who engaged in spirited battle and debate with presidents of their own party (Lincoln and Nixon respectively) over issues of momentous historical importance. They stayed within their party even when they were not being courted and had a lasting impact on the issues they were willing to fight for.

Jim Jeffords is a self-preoccupied, whining midget who bolted from his party over a perceived social snub, and will forever be perceived, if remembered at all, as a marginal player.

Ladies and Gentlemen of the Green Mountain State, please welcome Jim Jeffords: Vermont's bogus Independent.

-- Anonymous, May 24, 2001

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