U.S. company selling "invisible doll" to Britons

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Invisible toy doll makes money out of thin air

An invisible toy doll has gone on sale in the UK for £1.99.

The US company behind action figure Invisible Jim says it encourages children to use their imaginations and doesn't take up any space.

The figure boasts a "lack of darting eyes" and "realistic fake hair". It costs 5p to make, but is selling well.

UK distributor Hurst Marler Limited says it has received no complaints from customers.

A spokeswoman said: "When we got the first shipment we weren't sure that it had arrived. The worker who unpacked it said we'd got the packaging but not the things inside.

"I don't think it is a rip-off at all because it's a joke thing and you can end up paying that much for a birthday card."

The packaging states: "Invisible Jim. As not seen on TV. Warning: Small parts may ruin your sex life. Batteries not included. A gripping hand would be nice. Camouflage suit sold separately. "

It is made by the What-if-Atlas-Got-An-Itchy-Bum Company, whose mission is - "to save the world from crap dolls".

Trading Standards say it is okay to sell the toy, as long as people can see it's an empty packet.

Jonathan Elvidge, chief executive of the toy's main UK outlet the Gadget Shop, said: "It is selling well, but not everyone gets the joke.

"One customer brought the 'doll' back, saying it was missing from the packet. Others expect the doll to be added at the till."

-- Anonymous, May 24, 2001


I don't see the attraction.

-- Anonymous, May 24, 2001

It's a British thing--you wouldn't understand. (Snort!) It's the same idea as the pet rock.

-- Anonymous, May 24, 2001

Silly ole Git! I was playing with the invisibile-ness of the product.


-- Anonymous, May 25, 2001

Oh. I didn't see the joke. (Snort!)

-- Anonymous, May 25, 2001

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