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Glowing Garden Tools Hate looking for garden tools? Find them fast by painting the handles of shovels, rakes or other tools in a florescent or bright color. This definitely will make it easier for you to grab the tools you need to dig around in your flowers or garden

-- Anonymous, May 24, 2001


But if you put everything away when you are done it, then it will always be in the same place when you need it again, thus making the spray paint unnecessary.

unless you are referring to the type of gardener that leaves the rake in the grass and the glasses by the computer....LOL

-- Anonymous, May 24, 2001

you live with someone that PUTS THINGS AWAY!!!??????

-- Anonymous, May 24, 2001

We always laugh at those TV workshops where the shape of the tool is painted on holey board. Tools are found where you last used them. (If you didn't leave them somewhere between there and where they're supposed to be when you picked up the phone--which can be anywhere cos it has a long cord.)

Since I got my little green wagon for the garden, it's been much easier to keep my garden stuff together.

-- Anonymous, May 24, 2001

I don't need any more organizers...I just need a DH that knows how to put things away!!!!!!!

-- Anonymous, May 24, 2001

I am one of those people that puts things away.

-- Anonymous, May 25, 2001

It must be a genetic thing.

-- Anonymous, May 25, 2001

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