My Nba Jam inp isn't regular? : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread

Someone(I don't know why and when)have zeroed out my NBA Jam score of 19.Obviusly I checked it and worked regularly with a newly created nvram file.The question is:Why?Why someone without checking with nvram has zeroed out my score WITHOUT ANY NOTIFING?(aka no confirming) I hope for a ready reply...


-- Kale (, May 23, 2001


There is no notification for games that do not playback. And it does not playback, as do [not] many of the other nbajam recordings, but yours i'm sure of will not playback constistantly, when i was able to playback the other 27 recording perfectly the first time and subsequent times. There is notification for recordings that are zereoed because of banned techniques or cheating...

If you submit it with the nvram file you recorded it with, then it may playback but users of this site should not be expected to recreate nvram files, please include nvram files in your recordings if you record with them. (to be 100% acurate with this you need to copy the nvram file BEFORE you record and then include that file in the submition, otherwise when you record you may change the nvram file and it may not work for playback) to avoid this issue remove the nvram directory after each installing a new mame. thus you never need to upload nvram files and users never need to worry about copying them to the right location before playing back.

-- Chad (, May 23, 2001.

OK, I'll do that.Thanks!

-- Kale (, May 23, 2001.

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