CA - Energy Crisis Could Mean Four Day Weeks for County Workers : LUSENET : Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) : One Thread

Energy Crisis Could Mean Four Day Weeks for County Workers (KFWB) --

The largest employer in Southern California may shift its workers to a four day week for the summer. Los Angeles County Supervisors ordered a study to see if they can save money and electricity by switching their 92,000 member work force to a four day, 40-hour work week. Regular schedules for county hospitals, clinics, fire and sheriff stations and jails would remain in place under the plan.

The county is one of Southern California Edison's top five customers. However, about half of the county's buildings are in Department of Water and Power territory and therefore are not subject to rolling blackouts. City officials says even areas served by DWP should cut down power use because any electricity saved through conservation can be sold by the city to the state power grid.

The board will find out in 30 days whether the cost savings will be worth a schedule shift.

-- PHO (, May 23, 2001


Juggling work schedules to accommodate limited power input is what they do in third world countries.

-- Wayward (, May 23, 2001.

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