Mini : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Hi, does anyone knows where one can buy mini CD roms, those 8 cm diam. with 128 MB storage to make short movies? Thank you
-- mihail (, May 23, 2001
You might try and do a search there. I'm sure there are plenty of places that will happy to sell the 8cm CD-Rs to you. I should warn you that here in the USA the 8cm CD-Rs cost more than the normal sized ones do.
-- Jason Shumate (, May 24, 2001.
I currently purchase them at my local CompUSA - you may want to try their web site.
-- Jay Kernus (, June 14, 2001.
I found, not only the CDs, but labels for same at - they also have the "business card" CDs/labels. Give them a shot.
-- Jim Barker (, October 29, 2001.