Atheist Corner - Thought of the Day "I'm as good as any Christian!" : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

"I'm as good as any Christian!"

A Christian isn't better than a non-Christian. He's just better off. A person who has to jump out of a plane and is wearing a parachute is no better than a person without a parachute. He's just better off.

-- Atheist Corner (Truth or@Consequences.con), May 22, 2001


A true Christian has a parachute that will not fail.

-- Just another believer (in@the.Savior), May 22, 2001.

Message courtesy of Christianity Parachutes Inc. Geronimo!

-- (RevSmiley@Crystal.Cathedral), May 22, 2001.

Actually, both the xtian and the atheist have parachute packs. The atheist checks his to make sure it was packed correctly. The xtian just trusts that his imaginary deity packed it right for him. So what a surprise it must be for the xtian when he realizes that his imaginary deity didn't pack a parachute for him, and that his imaginary deity's "plan" for him was for him to perish in a parachute mishap.

"Better off," indeed!

Here's your atheist thought of the day, xtians -- Atheists are better than xtians. We don't require fear of an imaginary deity to make us behave. We behave because it's the right thing to do, not because we're afraid of being punished by an imaginary deity if we do wrong.

-- You're Not Getting My Wallet (, May 23, 2001.

Sounds kind of self-righteous and holier-than-thou. Oh well, enjoy your feeling of superiority.

-- Dr. Pibb (, May 23, 2001.


Your analogy falls of its own weight. (Pun intended) Why does an atheist need a parachute?


-- LBO Grise (LBO, May 27, 2001.


Are you really as stupid as you appear? Firstly, it wasn't my analogy, as Atheist Corner obviously used it first. Secondly, atheists can make as much use of parachutes as anyone when bailing out of an aircraft. How can you possibly ask why an atheist would need a parachute?

The facts are that Atheist Corner's analogy fails of its own weight (and I showed how), and that comparing a parachute to your nonexistent and imaginary deity is a poor debating device, indeed. Atheist require parachutes, but not nonexistent and imaginary deities. Actually, no one really requires a deity, but some people just don't think they can get along without them.

So I ask . . . don't you think it would be quite a surprise for the xtian when he realizes that his imaginary deity didn't pack a parachute for him, and that his imaginary deity's "plan" for him was for him to perish in a parachute mishap? Looks that way to me.

-- You're Not Getting My Wallet (, May 31, 2001.


It seems that your greatest (perhaps only) talent is insulting someone. Get a grip on your ego and lighten up.

Both AC and you have used analogies, but yours differs from his. In AC's analogy, I understand what the parachute represents. In your case, you've mixed up an analogy with a literal parachute and a literal jump from a literal plane. Now if you think your analogy has some correspondence to AC's, then what does your (the atheist's) parachute represent?


-- LBO Grise (LBO, May 31, 2001.

LBO: "you've mixed up an analogy with a literal parachute and a literal jump from a literal plane."

The strength of any argument by analogy depends on the similarity of the things analogized. IOW, if the analogy makes no sense if the plane and parachute are thought of as literal objects, then the analogy is pretty weak.

For example, a person who jumps from a plane without a parachute dies. Failing to believe in AC's version of God won't kill anyone. AC can quote the Bible to the effect that, yes, Christians are promised life everlasting, while atheists will supposedly rot in hell or some such. But that 'truth' exists nowhere but in AC's imagination. I imagine that God loves atheists and they will sit at His right hand on the day of reckoning, while bigoted christians such as AC will be cast into the pit of hell.

AC obviously got his analogy all backwards. Any thinking person can see this. The atheist is better off than the Christian because the atheist is the one with the parachute.

-- Little Nipper (, May 31, 2001.

In case nobody else has said it yet...

Welcome to the board Elbow, nice to see ya again!

-- Uncle Deedah (, May 31, 2001.


>>But that 'truth' exists nowhere but in AC's imagination. I imagine that God loves atheists and they will sit at His right hand on the day of reckoning, while bigoted christians such as AC will be cast into the pit of hell.<<

The Bible existed long before any of us, including AC, were born. So in that sense, its precepts predate and exist outside AC's imagination. But allowing you that point, you go on to state thoughts from your own imagination. Perhaps you'd be willing to explain where your thoughts have any basis outside *your* imagination. You don't seem to have any problem condemning AC to hell based on them. Doesn't that make you a bigot of the same sort *and* a hypocrite as well?

>>The atheist is better off than the Christian because the atheist is the one with the parachute.<<

So what does the parachute represent?


-- LBO Grise (LBO, May 31, 2001.

>>Welcome to the board Elbow, <<

Thanks, Unk! Actually, I never really left. Just didn't have the time for anything but "lurker" mode for a while.


-- LBO Grise (LBO, May 31, 2001.

"Perhaps you'd be willing to explain where your thoughts have any basis outside *your* imagination."

My thoughts were inspired by God and do not require any further validation than God Himself has given to me. God considers doubts about my inspiration to be sinful. It is just that sort of thing that drives Him to abhor Christians, who are stiff-necked and turn away from Him and His revelations.

Also, He directed me to say that He is tired of having to work miracles through the chosen instruments of His divine will, such as myself, in order to gather doubters and sinners such as yourself into His net.

He orders you and all like you to pay Him homage and worship by heeding His word, as conveyed to you through me, or to consider yourself damned. However, He ensures me that, in His divine mercy, He will continue to call His lambs unto Him, through me, so as to give you all the chance to come into His fold, where you will be watched over and cared for.

"Doesn't that make you a bigot of the same sort *and* a hypocrite as well? "

No. Because I am right and I have God on my side, whereas AC is wrong and abhorrent to God. Besides, God's blessing washes away the stain any hypocrisy or bigotry I may commit in His name and leaves me pure as the driven snow.

"What does the parachute represent?"

God extending the safety of His hand to protect the atheist and smite the stiff-necked Christians who are too blind to accept His infinite mercy, who mock and gibe and fleer at His holy word. And who reek in His nostrils as do the farts of a sick dog who has crawled under the couch to hide from the wrath of its master.

-- Little Nipper (, May 31, 2001.



I didn't realize you were "special."

Was the "sick dog" thing a deliberate pun, canis minor?


-- LBO Grise (LBO, May 31, 2001.

Elbow I would think you'd recognize a parody when you see one.

This isn't getting you anywhere, brother. You'll never change his mind through argument, the only one who can save him is the LORD. All we can do is remember Matthew 7:6 and pray that the LORD will touch his heart with His divine grace.

-- Polly Wanna Cracker? (polly@wanna.cracker), May 31, 2001.

"You'll never change his mind through argument"

Would you please forward this acute observation to Atheist Corner? Thanks!

On the whole I think it is fine and dandy that Atheist Corner believes in the Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Trinity, hellfire and all the rest of the Christian apparatus of salvation. He is very welcome to it all.

But AC is not a 'witnessing' christian such as al-d. Rather, AC is a disputative christian who attempts to prove the validity of his (her?) faith by trying to disprove other systems of thought that AC thinks contradict his own cherished beliefs - such as evolution of species. Instead of telling us "I know God loves me because... ", AC chimes in with "I know Darwin was wrong because... ". For some reason, AC thinks that this kind of thing is helpful. More than anything, it shows how misguided he is in this matter.

Of course, it only takes a little thought to understand that, even if AC could somehow disprove the validity of the theory of the evolution of species, it would in no way establish the truth of Genesis. That would be akin to believing that disproving the existence of neutrinos would prove that the world is made of dreams.

Atheist Corner forgets that "in my father's house there are many rooms." He is so prideful of his own righteousness that it makes him blind to his ignorance. He keeps offering to remove the mote from our eyes. AC thinks that reading the Bible will put him right with God when what he really needs to do is to imitate Christ.

Give me al-d any day. In my view, AC is just another creepy pharisee who loves the law more than the spirit.

-- Little Nipper (, May 31, 2001.

Elbow . . .

What does the parachute represent? Fucking DUH! It's a parachute, genius! It doesn't represent anything! If you don't want me to insult you, then don't ask stupid-ass questions. Have a nice day.

-- You're Not Getting My Wallet (, May 31, 2001.


>>If you don't want me to insult you, then don't ask stupid-ass questions. <<

You seriously misunderstood me. I said insulting someone was your best talent. And you're not very good at that. But a fool's sorry attempt to insult *me* doesn't bother me at all.


-- LBO Grise (LBO, June 01, 2001.


I like al-d too. But I like AC as well. You've obviously missed some of the sparring I've done with Flint over evolution. What do you think: a Christian shouldn't discuss evolution? Regardless, your diatribe against AC seems far off the subject of this thread. It amazes me that *anyone* calling himself Christian would have a problem with the point of AC's post.

>>Atheist Corner forgets that "in my father's house there are many rooms." He is so prideful of his own righteousness that it makes him blind to his ignorance. He keeps offering to remove the mote from our eyes. AC thinks that reading the Bible will put him right with God when what he really needs to do is to imitate Christ. <<

I'm not in a position to say what AC thinks, but I'd like to know how one can "imitate Christ" as you put it, without *reading the Bible.*

>>Give me al-d any day. In my view, AC is just another creepy pharisee who loves the law more than the spirit.<<

Uhmm, and this self-righteous judgment makes you a better Christian how?


-- LBO Grise (LBO, June 01, 2001.

"You seriously misunderstood me."

This, of course, is because you are not especially good at expressing yourself. Would it help if you used finger paints, rather than the written word?

"I said insulting someone was your best talent."

You have no idea what my many talents are, nor have you any idea of the relative levels thereof. Your comment is, to paraphrase from you, without weight.

"And you're not very good at that."

Au contraire. I am very good at it. Watch how long I can get you to respond simply by insulting you.

"But a fool's sorry attempt to insult *me* doesn't bother me at all."

What fool insulted you? Point the churl out! Do you wish me to . . . kill them? Giggle!

Let's consider for a moment here who the fool is. You berated me for a poorly-put analogy, when in fact, someone else used the analogy. I pointed out how the analogy failed, at which point you told me that MY analogy was worthless. Now, considering that we were talking about someone else's analogy, and considering that I had alredy demonstrated how it didn't work, what, exactly were you trying to say? Can you neither read nor write?

Get back to me as soon as you have another cup of coffee. You'll make much more sense once you wake up. Of course, it is quite a bit of fun to kick you in the teeth while you're too muddled to make sense.

-- You're Not Getting My Wallet (, June 01, 2001.


>>Now, considering that we were talking about someone else's analogy, and considering that I had alredy demonstrated how it didn't work, what, exactly were you trying to say? <<

No, *you* were talking about someone else's analogy. *I* was talking about *your* analogy. Since your analogy was pure nonsense, I was trying to initiate a discussion so you could elaborate on your point, whatever that may be. As far as I'm concerned, you haven't demonstrated anything yet, except a propensity for silly, sarcastic responses. Try again.


-- LBO Grise (LBO, June 01, 2001.

You are, in fact, as stupid as I have heard, Elbow. Let's examine how you debunk yourself in your first two sentences.

"No, *you* were talking about someone else's analogy."

This part's correct. I was talking about someone else's analogy. Now, as if to throw me off the scent, you quixotically claim --

"*I* was talking about *your* analogy."

A-fucking-HA! If I was talking about someone else's analogy, as you yourself agreed in your previous sentence, then how, pray tell, do you find an analogy from me? This is precisely what I was talking about earlier. I didn't have an analogy; I deflated someone else's poorly-put analogy. Little Nipper appears to understand this very well, so why don't you?

"Since your analogy was pure nonsense,"

Nope. Didn't have an analogy. Someone else did, and that analogy was, in fact, pure nonsense. You are aiming in the wrong direction.

"I was trying to initiate a discussion so you could elaborate on your point, whatever that may be."

My point was that the analogy used by AC to start this thread off is inapplicable and poorly put. You have not addressed the point, you oleaginous, obtuse dullard.

"As far as I'm concerned, you haven't demonstrated anything yet, except a propensity for silly, sarcastic responses."

Silliness and sarcasm, in my particular case, conceal a wicked wit, an incisive intellect and a talent for cutting through the bullshit. The parachute analogy AC used was total crap. That was my point, which you haven't gotten. Your turn, wingnut.

"Try again."

Done. Will you be posting again? I'd like to know now so I can prepare more insults for you.

BTW, the coffee ought to be ready by now, dipshit.

-- You're Not Getting My Wallet (, June 01, 2001.


I wouldn't exactly call it sparring. Evolution is as well established as the earth revolving around the sun, and as open to "sparring". So what we were really doing was exploring the amazing mindset required of those whose beliefs stand flatly contradicted by reality, and for whom therefore reality must be denied, redefined, and distorted so as to protect the belief. Definitely a through-the-looking-glass world, where words mean the opposite of their commonly understood meaning, where anything supported by incomplete or imperfect evidence is rejected on those grounds, in favor of a belief contradicted by ALL the evidence. A world where "logic" consists of arguing that 2+2 MUST make 17, on the grounds that it does NOT make 12.

Eventually I lose interest, having tired of wondering if religion causes selective idiocy, or merely infects an already weak mind.

-- Flint (, June 01, 2001.

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