Messages to anon ... : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread

Remember a long time ago when we had that "how are you disgusting" thread and I let you all post as if you wanted to hide your shame? Yeah, well, anon, you got some freaky ass mail today.
hi I saw your meesage.
do you really enjoy growing your toenails to claw like lenghts? I am an 
admirer of women w long toenails. i bet you are a dominant women.
do you scratch your boyfriend often?
please reply
have a good day
Oh, yeah, I'll be having a good day now. Anyway, anon with the long toenails, if you want this man's e-mail address so you can get together and make hot monkey love with the long toenails, e-mail me.

Do you get creepy mail? Share with the group.

-- Anonymous, May 22, 2001


Beth you should start a dating service.

I mostly get weird mail. When i started going by the nickname "Sherina" i had no idea that there is some very popular teenage movie star in India named Sherina. I now get about 4 or 5 fan messages a week, all in some language that i don't understand (i know it's not Hindi or Sanskrit).

I felt very badly - before i knew who she was, i just deleted the messages. Then one day i was having a Very Bad Day and i responded to one with a "fuck off and stop sending me your fucking crap" type message. A week later i did a search for "Sherina" and realized what was happening. I suddenly realized i had probably told some smiten 15-year old Indian boy to fuck off. I felt terrible.

Now i just delete them.

I did get creepy mail when i had a webcam a few years ago though. From the standard "show me your tits" mail to the freaky religious stuff stating how my webcam was singlehandedly bringing on the dawning of Armageddon, i got it all. I don't really miss my cam.

-- Anonymous, May 22, 2001

Damn! I need to get a webcam. I'd love to be singlehandedly responsible for Armegeddon. That sounds like fun.

Beth, that toenail thing is just WEIRD. I'm so sorry you have to put up with these creepy people.

-- Anonymous, May 22, 2001

I thought the shampoo fetish was weird. And whoever wrote to Kymm about her barking cough because he had a barking cough fetish. This one, though, this one....

-- Anonymous, May 22, 2001

I got e-mail from some guy who said that even though I was married, he still read my site, and he was very, very upset to find "dark chocolate" listed in my "dislikes" section of my bio. He said "it proved that the perfect woman didn't exist," or something like that.

I can think of a *lot* more things wrong with me - the dark chocolate thing is pretty minor! (I don't have long toenails, though. Ick.)

-- Anonymous, May 23, 2001

I get hate mail regularly. Not a ton, but enough. Usually it is just some patriotic idiot talking about how America is great and if I don't like it here why don't I move to China? Every once in a while it will be an out-and-out white supremecist. Craziness. I just delete that shit without replying, because it's a waste of my time.

Sometimes I have people ascribe beliefs to me that I don't have, and then attack me for them. Like gun control. I'm not in favor of gun control, but people think, "hates George Bush = liberal = gun grabber". Then they'll write me a letter about how I'm wrong for wanting to take their guns. Very strange.

-- Anonymous, May 23, 2001

Got an email the other day from a guy who said he loved my journal because it made him think about "different issues", and then said that he was really glad that I wrote what I did about overweight women, because even though his wife has "packed on a few pounds" since their marriage, now he feels better about it and realizes she's great just the way she is.

Um...thanks? I guess? I don't even know which journal entry he was talking about.

-- Anonymous, May 24, 2001

oh, do i get creepy email. i do, i do. mostly it's from the bald fetishists. aparantly i'm very popular among the crowd of guys online who pass around photos of sexy bald girls -- i made the mistake of shaving my head a couple years ago and posting photos on my website here: that page alone gets about 700 hits a week. here's my favorite creepy stalker email:
hey rebekah,

i saw your page and i was all wondering around it like some lost dog. and i thought to myself, jesus h macy (thats the combination of two names: jesus christ and william h macy... im not a believer or anything but william h macy is sooo damn awesome anyhow--), i should write this girl. but i have no idea what to say. so i guess ill talk about my day or something. i just started my second year at sante fe community college in this lil shithole called gainesville, florida. anyhow... she had the most amazing scalp i had ever seen, im talking perfect. the way da vinci drew a scalp. it looked as if she had shaved it about 2 weeks ago and it was sort of fuzzy from hair. but i couldnt stop staring at her and i felt like some kind of hunter, like i was going to shoot her and then put her in my bag and take her home with me and any time i need a boost or something i would open my bag and say "hi!" and she would say "hi!" and smile with that blinding smile and i would ask her if she wanted to watch Empire of the Sun with me and she would and we would cuddle and... oh wait.. i havent even met her. all i know is her name and that shes in my class. i feel lost. i dont know what im doing anymore. all i can think of is how uncool i am and how stupid things are with this whole society thing. i keep thinking of self-actualization. but what if you have done introspection and youve thought and rethought and overanalyzed until your depressed again.. and then its like you cant get to the top of maslow's pyramid unless you have a counterpart, which i lack. and then its like mario brothers and i cant get past level 8-2 so i can beat Bowser. its like im stuck ya know. i dont know.. i dont know... i feel like patrick bateman... on the verge on frenzy.. ready to explode. i guess im just some 19 year old bum. ill probably end up being the next travis bickle. but anyways.. your site.. i love it. i havent visited every facet of it or anything. ive browsed around... but i felt intimidated by you. so i had to write you to see whats up.. but then again.. this email has no real purpose.. so i dont know what you would write me.. advice maybe? or maybe a glimpse into your life? i don tknow.. anyhow... gotta plan for this rave thing tonight.

peace out,

-- Anonymous, May 24, 2001

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